Example sentences of "[vb past] [be] [vb pp] with " in BNC.

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1 The antechamber which he entered was filled with silent N'pani .
2 He fled and fled , and every door he found was painted with the black plague cross and every face he pleaded with was tinged with the red of plague fever .
3 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
4 We 'd been filled with school milk and cod-liver oil and orange juice , but only the few scheme-housing children had bathrooms .
5 It was gone in a moment , but briefly she 'd been filled with a sudden , oddly urgent desire to know more about him .
6 By then large drops were falling all around me , another landing on my wig and one splashing on my shoulder , making me jump as if I 'd been prodded with a therm-knife .
7 Those who 'd been treated with AZT fared no better than for those who had n't .
8 She was wearing biker leathers and cowboy boots which all looked as if they 'd been applied with the aid of a shoehorn .
9 She 'd been strangled with some kind of flex or cord .
10 Last week the Government warned that around 300 women who 'd been injected with a hormone called gonadotrophin , extracted from the pituitary glands of human corpses , could be at risk .
11 Jahsaxa flinched with annoyance when she realised she 'd been connected with the Roirbak answering machine again .
12 My eyes watered with pain , with chlorine from the swimming pool and with oil from the rag I 'd been blindfolded with .
13 Sobbing with pain and rage , he was carted off to hospital by an ashen Claudia and the family doctor , who 'd been presented with a horse every time he delivered a Mendoza baby .
14 But of course we were very strongly against it really but er , because th you know we 'd been inundated with all these marvellous ideas of this progress and it 's all for the best and everything , but it does n't seemed to have work does it really ?
15 He fell into the chair as though he 'd been hit with a medicine ball and said very little while Malc 's parents discussed what we should do .
16 A team-mate claimed : ‘ He looked like he 'd been hit with a meat cleaver . ’
17 A woman in Naples recently insisted on having her husband 's grave dug up — after she realised he 'd been buried with £3,500 in his jacket pocket .
18 Ted jerked up like a man who 'd been zapped with a thousand volts .
19 His jeans looked as if they 'd been slashed with a knife .
20 And that made it all the more thrilling , especially when she recalled some of the women he 'd been photographed with .
21 She was going to be left in the care of a woman she did n't know , just as she 'd been left with them before .
22 And she 'd been charmed with Bergerac itself .
23 They 'd been issued with Sterling by Lloyds Bank .
24 Isobel was ambitious , and had her sights set on the national news media ; unfortunately , so did every other young news-hustler in every backwater station in the country , and few of them were having to contend with sinuses that felt as if they 'd been stuffed with pillows .
25 They 'd been muffled with rags and pieces of tyre , but it was still a lash-up .
26 MANCHESTER UNITED were left with egg on their faces yesterday after another abortive effort to land Sheffield Wednesday striker David Hirst .
27 He 'd was stationed with the Royal Army Medical Corps in Bosnia protecting the UN headquarters in Sarajevo .
28 The remainder of the meeting was spent in looking at the Grid on which visitors envisaged were placed with Regions for Primary ( ten days to a fortnight ) or Secondary ( 5-7 days ) periods .
29 The plasma obtained was treated with 5 ml of a chloroform:methanol ( 2:1 v/v ) mixture containing 50 mg/l butylhydroxy-toluene , 1.5 ml 0.01 N HCl , and 50 µl MgCl 2 in water .
30 The genuine and constructive concern for elementary education which the emperor showed was combined with a marked dislike of scholars , whom he regarded as useless parasites .
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