Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] with [be] " in BNC.

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1 He got away with being what many others could only secretly aspire to be .
2 gave a lecture and all she came in with was some notes written out on some full scape paper and some papers for the over head projector
3 I 'm hearing things now that I have not heard in fifteen years that I 've been on this County Council and I would suggest erm to Mr that when he 's talking about things that this County Council ought to print , and I think the one suggestion he came up with is very sensible , he could perhaps follow up with a catalogue of those things which he considers need doing that after a hundred years have not been done .
4 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
5 The script they came up with was trendy and repetitive , rather naive but tuned directly to the youth of the moment .
6 The first idea she came up with was managing workplace nurseries for companies .
7 All she came up with was , ‘ Pose as a schoolteacher !
8 One theory I came up with was that the down beat of its wings pushed it upwards and the up beat pushed it downwards and the two cancelled each other out so that the kestrel stayed where it was .
9 What she came up with was ‘ The Museum of Non-Objective Art ’ and the Guggenheim Museum existed under that rubric for some years .
10 The list of issues which the group came up with was so detailed that it was discussed over the following weeks .
11 About the only practical thing I came up with was that I probably ought to start smoking again .
12 Ill be sending my comments on the Sunderland Match later — but a revolutionary idea we came up with was velcro shirts … with stick on everything …
13 The answer they came up with was the cash unit trust — where instead of investing in equities , they invest in high interest cash deposit accounts or into a variety of fixed interest securities such as gilts or local authority bonds .
14 He says : ‘ What we came up with was not initially a new product but a ‘ new product model . ’
15 Now the sorts of laws that they came up with were things like the law of proximity , the law of similarity , the law of common fate , good continuation and closure .
16 The noises he came out with were amazing , laughing and cooing and gurgling , but he shut his mouth ‘ absolutely ’ against porridge .
17 ‘ I know the words he came out with were those of other people , the writers , but they were written with him in mind .
18 But faced suddenly with being alone through bereavement or divorce , or gradually through the natural lessening of family ties and dependency , we may find ourselves feeling very differently , remembering with nostalgia the days when we were so busy , needed and surrounded by others .
19 No actually the one I started off with is Greg .
20 Erm , we started off with was that , erm , we would just write down any word that came up to our head , in terms of relating it to the story i.e. we thought about memories , and memories Erm , this is gon na match up with your is n't it .
21 ‘ What we started out with was totally different to how it ended up .
22 Well ’ — she leant slightly forward — ‘ the fellow that Rosie went off with was your dear Andrew , the loving father .
23 people say that you went out with is that true ?
24 Some of the men I went out with were ‘ old enough to be my father ’ as they say ; on the other hand , many were n't .
25 ‘ So what you ended up with was a shot of the Thal looking up , followed by a cut to a low angle close up of the trough where , by pumping up the rubber ring , the body of the monster was made to rise out of the water .
26 ‘ At the time perhaps it was a creative influence on our music , but all I ended up with was a jaw that continually hurt me .
27 ‘ At the time perhaps it was a creative influence on our music , but all I ended up with was a jaw that continually hurt me .
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