Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then he got down from his chair and went to stand by Hepzibah .
2 Roxborough finished his drink and got down from his stool , then collected Pascoe 's beer mug and prepared to dive into the crush at the bar .
3 ‘ Then one evening this down-to-earth painter from Harrow got down from his ladder to talk to someone at the end of the passage .
4 A raven swooped down from its perch in the rafters and dived at the wizard , talons open and gleaming .
5 It was the sort of behaviour Wood expected only from his fellow tradesmen .
6 It came without pause , as the two remaining dogs recovered swiftly from their missed strike and hurled themselves at him again .
7 Crowds of spectators were thronging the sides of the narrow road which led down from it into the village and , after Vitor had hurriedly found a parking place , they joined them .
8 I expected better from someone half my age .
9 The door was shut , and no smoke plumed skywards from its grey chimneys .
10 He wondered whether it was a hereditary factor , passed down from her father , gained by him through osmosis .
11 But it was a flop , and Wilcox moved on from US to make successive deals with Universal and RKO .
12 Then they were touching them , and the fierce thrust of his tongue confirmed his spoken answer as his hands moved upward from her hips to the bare skin of her midriff , his fingers trailing fire across her flesh when they travelled round to her back and from there up to the smoothness of her shoulders .
13 The fellow , sighing dramatically , rose wearily from his chair like an exasperated parent dealing with two naughty children .
14 McAggott rose wearily from his desk and smote the sergeant a blow to the skull .
15 As his hands moved slowly from her ankles along the planes of her calves to the rounded contours of her thighs Paige 's heart beat faster at every inch he revealed .
16 Father Poole sighed and rose slowly from his chair .
17 Jenny rose lethargically from her bed and went over to the wash basin and began bathing her eyes .
18 He was n't touching her , but even so Robbie strained away from him , the hard edge of the wooden top bruising her spine .
19 At various times Keynes operated on all three levels , and moved easily from one to another .
20 She looked sad as she drew away from him .
21 She drew away from him , feeling the cold sap of fear .
22 In Alexandra 's expression as she drew away from him , stepped back , turned to leave , in her brown eyes , Matthew read a hundred messages .
23 Sara drew away from him , but she was not quick enough for him .
24 She drew away from him , moving to the very edge of the seat , cursing Terry Lewis for planting the seeds of suspicion in her head .
25 She drew away from him , shivering as she left the warm circle cast by his body , and heard him sigh as he raised himself up to stare down at her .
26 She drew away from him a little .
27 He still held her close , but several people passed and he raised his head and drew away from her .
28 He drew away from her , his manner cold .
29 Fernando drew away from her and Ruth scrambled to her feet , smoothing the creases from her dress .
30 ‘ What ? ’ he said mock-innocently and drew away from her as if nothing had happened .
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