Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] off " in BNC.

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1 AN RAF pilot escaped death by seconds yesterday when his multi-million pound Harrier jump jet crashed on take off .
2 I think we 'd better switch off at this stage .
3 Vern said it looked like the owners were coming to use the boat again soon : we 'd better clear off quick before it was light in the morning , specially as it 'd be Saturday .
4 Yow 'd better clear off before 'er brother comes . ’
5 We 'd better start off by telling you about the two brothers who run the Minoa , Yanni and Nico who run the bar and enjoy a joke .
6 It was the last day of shooting and they did n't need us till nine o'clock that morning , so Keenan [ Wynn ] and me went over to the bar and had a couple there and I said , ‘ You know , Keenan , it 's gon na be a long hot day so we 'd better stop off at the drug store and buy a jug . ’
7 ‘ You 'd better go off and make a search . ’
8 ‘ I stopped to make a phone call , and I thought I 'd better drop off some clothes at the dry-cleaner 's . ’
9 I 'd better set off , or I wo n't be there at the station and he 'll think I 'm not coming .
10 ‘ You 'd better set off now before it gets dark , ’ he told the driver .
11 I 'd better creep off , ’ Adam said .
12 He 'd better pull off a biggie . "
13 ‘ Well , ’ I said , in the end , ‘ you 'd better bugger off .
14 ‘ You 'd better get off straight back to Willesden , Willoughby .
15 ‘ Anyway , I 'd better get off to bed .
16 The men tell us we 'd better get off now and spend the night somewhere .
17 Well I 'd better get off .
18 Yeah I was really attracted to him but I just could not speak to him , it was awful , and like there used to be awful pauses and you 'd just go er right we 'd better get off with each other again because you ca n't bear the silence , it 's too uncomfortable so you used to , and then you go oh shit better get off with him again , it 's awful , he 's and he used to have such a , no personality at all .
19 Greg , after a perfunctory tour round the makeshift gallery decided he 'd better slip off .
20 Jennie on the other hand was thrilled when the Girls announced wedding plans and there was always a warm welcome from her when they dropped in to show off a baby .
21 And I and I run to the door and you 'd just drove off .
22 And so , after they 'd just slipped off to the local registery office in the city , they had left for a brief honeymoon in Paris .
23 She 'd finally drifted off to sleep at about two , woken an hour later feeling cold and slipped under the covers , resting fitfully until room service brought her breakfast at eight .
24 It had been a sweet night — the shadows growing deeper as they 'd talked , until she 'd finally drifted off to sleep with his arms tight about her and his lips on her hair .
25 BY THE time they got to Woodstock they might have been half a million strong , but give them a few days in the mud and they 'd soon wandered off into an acid daze looking for luxuries like a toilet , somewhere to sleep and a decent tofu burger .
26 The next minute , he was the teasing , confident extrovert who 'd calmly stripped off in front of her in his bedroom that night .
27 I understood there was talk of taking up where you 'd both left off , ’ she reminded him .
28 I put a lot of it down to Harry Enfield ; just this week he 'd really taken off .
29 His slack , slaked face seemed about to drop off with sheer gravity of dissipation .
30 He seemed about to drop off as he said : ‘ Pity it 's Viola who 'll be raking in the dough , is n't it ? ’
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