Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] say " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If Harvey finds out , you 'd better start saying ‘ Please do n't blow your stack , Harvey ’ in Latin .
2 I 'd only gone say two weeks without it , but it takes a lot longer than that to actually sort yourself out , anyway … .
3 " Careful , Stephen , " they both seemed endlessly to have said .
4 They were the hardest words she 'd ever had to say .
5 Woke up struggling to say my name but somehow unable to .
6 Caroline had smiled and said yes , it was , but what she 'd really wanted to say was that she doubted if Nicolo had ever hesitated about getting what he wanted in his entire life .
7 What I 'd really meant to say was : Can I go home now ?
8 The words had an unlocked sound , tumbling out as if he 'd never dared say them before .
9 They 'd never needed to say much .
10 Asked about apparent defections from his cause , he claimed never to have said that he was counting on anybody .
11 But he went on refusing to say anything at all about what he 'd been doing in Paris .
12 Indeed , I am sure that the hon. Member for Eastbourne ( Mr. Bellotti ) did not mean to say that .
13 I did not mean to say but perhaps it is better I should , therefore only remark that I will speak on the subject in my next , but do not suffer alarms on my account — I am in better health than I have been for years and I hope to get to Sydney and get comfortably settled in good time … ’
14 ‘ I did not intend to say anything else . ’
15 She did not bother to say it , again , again , again , that Faith Lavender was dead .
16 I did not like to say no .
17 If , on the other hand , he felt that someone was a really harmful influence , he did not hesitate to say so .
18 In a sense the Advisor did not need to say more , for both her report and the fable of Fred begin to capture the mood of growing up .
19 Whoever was on duty would move gently any part of the affected limb , trying as they did so to persuade Jimbo that now the pain was gone he might — I did not dare to say ‘ would ’ — be free soon to walk normally .
20 The flower seller , Ms Sue Thompson , said : ‘ I did not dare say anything .
21 It was the first time in American history that serving officers did not dare say what their commander-in-chief had told them to do .
22 She did not dare say more .
23 I was so shaken up and upset I did not get to say thank you or even see his face , just the helpful hand outstretched to me .
24 She thought she was rather like a mother , making sure a child had eaten before going off to school , did not scruple to say , " Are you sure you 've had enough ?
25 Wexford thought all these things and he knew Burden was following his thoughts , matching them , so he did n't bother to say anything .
26 He did n't bother to say who he was talking about now , Jinny noticed .
27 Gloria did n't pause to say anything to the cheery porter at the gates , nor did he call out to them .
28 Unlike the others , she did n't rush to say how pleased she was to see him after all this time ; she did n't make polite small talk about Lucasta Redburn 's death .
29 They did n't chat each other up , because Boy still did n't know what to say half the time , and O did n't want to say anything , not any more , he had said too much to too many men .
30 I did n't want to say that — when you chose it .
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