Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] had also " in BNC.

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1 Her fingers began to move over the sheet of paper , but when she had finished drawing the circle of standing stones , she found she had also sketched in the figure of Julius .
2 In 1961 Treloar 's father bought neighbouring land , and believed he had also bought this waste land .
3 Her fellow passenger 's action showed she had also lost her royal mystique and air of untouchability — after all , no one would previously have dared ask the future queen for an autograph .
4 Up front , Ian Corcoran and Gary Isaac showed they had also benefited from the Scottish training , while John Laing and Graham Shepherd cleaned up at the lineout .
5 The Americans were 11 under par when it finished they had also been six under in the Foursomes when they beat Gordon Brand and Sam Torrance .
6 The court heard he had also lost his job .
7 I thought we had also faced our trial by Fire , when in 1983 we had ignored government safety warnings and climbed the newly erupting " Child of Krakatoa " volcano in the Sunda Straits .
8 Later I realised he had also been in the other two .
9 Before she reached my name I had chosen the wife for Old Red ; when Gwenellen Jones answered I had also chosen my bridesmaid 's dress , asked Matron for an extra holiday , coaxed our fare money out of my father , and was flying out to Singapore with Dickie .
10 He said there had also been no difficulties with the inadmissibility of computer evidence because the council used other sorts of documents to prove its cases .
11 But the Commons Treasury Select Committee , investigating banks , said it had also closed tens of thousands of businesses .
12 He said he had also been offered interviews with ministers in the South African government , so that he could form a balanced judgement , but had declined .
13 Managing director Bernard Segrave-Daly said he had also been hoping the Chancellor would have introduced a duty system which would have helped smaller firms .
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