Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] had only " in BNC.

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1 About4 weeks ago I realised I had only put this in the hallway after the title season , and promptly took it down .
2 Some time later found he had only one shoe on .
3 It seemed she had only just drifted off when she was woken by a sharp rap on the door and Nathan 's impatient voice announcing , ‘ Breakfast in five minutes ! ’
4 Not surprisingly , they believed they had only made a stab at it , From the start Wave and HHCL were determined to build the campaign around an organisation with a sound commercial and practical justification for funding such advertising ; someone with a vested interest in curbing consumer greed .
5 He added he had only table knives in his kitchen .
6 He wore a sailor 's short sword by his side , and I noticed he had only three fingers on his left hand .
7 Despairingly , she realised she had only another two or three hours at most before he would be demanding her departure .
8 It was my good fortune to see a lot of Emily Carr and to be counted as a friend , for she claimed she had only a few .
9 Gamely , but a bit limply , Dr Clark claimed they had only got it by getting Mr Gummer ‘ dragged to the House ’ .
10 Meurdesoif , whose firm agreed to pay a £1,250 fine , claimed he had only had a few drinks with lunch on a cross-channel ferry .
11 As she told a close friend : ‘ I knew I had only one chance to get it right .
12 Well , sir , I thought I had only found a cook , but it was a crew I had discovered !
13 He felt he had only come alive when he started surfing .
14 We all knew he had only a few weeks left to live .
15 Then he remembered the guard back at Wissembourg and knew he had only a limited time to cover his tracks .
16 In many ways she was her father 's daughter , and she knew he had only loved one woman — her mother .
17 I 'm sorry , ’ she apologised , her action in not leaving a note seeming poor thanks now that she knew he had only been trying to protect her from himself when he 'd called her clinging .
18 It was after the 1990 England v Ireland game at Twickenham that Paul Ackford casually mentioned to one of the Irish players that his team knew it had only to withstand Ireland 's 20 minutes of blood and guts to win easily .
19 He was an arrogant man who thought he had only to crook his finger and she would come running .
20 Was he really so unbelievably sure of his charms that he thought he had only to indicate his wishes for them to be fulfilled ?
21 When first formed it had only 12 members ; it now has 30,000 .
22 He realised it had only been a bait for which he had fallen .
23 The hearing admitted he had only agreed to appear in court if his wife and children were flown back to Britain with him at the cost of £4,000 .
24 She was sick with wretchedness , convinced she had only herself to blame — and of course the devastating effect Paula had on men — but still puzzled that it could have ended so suddenly without a word of explanation on his part .
25 But if drink lost him respect , he never lost the admiration of one College porter who said you had only to watch him cross the street to know he was a genius .
26 Divorcee Mrs Robinson was arrested in April , 1989 , and while awaiting trial , she said she had only the vaguest idea of what she was being accused .
27 But Derek Law , deputy director of the SSD , said there had only been a few teething problems .
28 A workman who put the goal posts up said they had only been temporarily secured .
29 But advice workers in Middlesbrough said they had only just heard of the drug and had no reports of its presence in the county .
30 The ministry said it had only begun to take meat samples .
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