Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] had an " in BNC.

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1 However an X-ray at 38 weeks revealed I had an enormous pelvis so a relatively normal birth was on the cards .
2 However , as professionals they were not content to act as mere checkers , but felt that they had an obligation to express an opinion of the work they saw before them , and found they had an extraordinary agreement with the views of Burn , much to the resentment of other judges .
3 they mentioned he had an excellent game — and from the goals showed the scot goalkeeper could have done much better on two of the italian goals … specially the first one — a flat shot from far out and at an angle too .
4 He sneaked a look at her , and found he had an excellent view of the back of her head ; she was staring out of the passenger window at the darkening vista of St James 's Park .
5 We all assumed you had an affair in Moscow . ’
6 Provided that people in this country believed they had an honest system of government which dispensed even-handed justice , then there was no need to tamper with the law unless public order was threatened .
7 Purity workers believed they had an obligation to reclaim their ‘ fallen ’ sisters , but the problem of prostitution was always tackled by a mixture of benevolent charity and coercive threat .
8 He told he had an important engagement and must go , on the Saturday night .
9 Because transplanted quail cells will behave normally in chick embryos , she realized she had an invaluable natural marker .
10 Miss Fitzgerald — born in Andover , Hants — is referred to as ‘ Jennifer With a J ’ since singer Gennifer ‘ With a G ’ Flowers claimed she had an affair with Democrat candidate Bill Clinton .
11 A BRIDE-TO-BE was murdered in a frenzied knife attack by a man who claimed he had an impulse to kill .
12 By the way he was wriggling on the seat , she guessed he had an erection .
13 I was all set to attend his mother 's barbecue , but then he discovered I had an assignment and refused to let me cancel . ’
14 After my waters broke I had an uncontrollable urge to push but the midwife told me not to .
15 Although fully furnished it had an air of emptiness and desolation .
16 I think she thought I had an eye on your grandad . ’
17 The Sandrat knew she had an edge .
18 She knew she had an audience .
19 ‘ I hope you do n't mind me arriving without an appointment like this but I understood you had an Open Door policy . ’
20 To one who thought she had an equal right
21 We thought we had an enormous pile but unfortunately our fire was not very long lasting and by 6 o'clock we were wandering about looking at the other , more professionally built conflagrations .
22 I thought we had an agreement .
23 I think they thought they had an alcoholic on their hands . ’
24 Indeed , for a while , the British Treasury thought they had an ally in the Germans in opposing the Delors Report .
25 But when he also stepped out of his clothes , she saw he had an erection .
26 When Mrs Chamberlin had gone , hurrying into the gloomy February afternoon , her oatmeal figure bent resolutely against the wind , Alexandra looked round the drawing-room and saw it had an animated , unsettled look , as if the last caller had stirred everything to action , all the silver photograph frames , the vases and pin-cushions , the rugs and cushions and shaded lamps .
27 She knew he had an early appointment with one of his lawyers and hoped that that was what was distancing him from her this morning .
28 The prime minister 's smile spread even further in the slightly crooked way it had when he thought he had an opponent hoist with his own petard .
29 To his embarrassment he realised he had an erection and moved quickly to place a copy of the Teheran Times on his lap before the stewardess reached his row .
30 If whoever bought it had an unsavoury reputation it would n't do much harm to the seagulls or Brent geese .
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