Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] of have " in BNC.

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1 When I described this to M. Bellin , the secretary at the consulate , he told me of having seen an ostrich trying to rape a donkey .
2 On his way through the underground roads , he met a miner who told him of having seen heavy machinery being moved along by an unknown force .
3 In an interview in The Washington Post published on May 30 , Barry admitted having smoked crack but blamed the federal authorities for having led him on and accused them of having tried to " kill " him by allowing him to consume the illegal drug .
4 After another term , I was given more art , and my class-room became an unofficial art room , much to the distress of the caretaker , who accused me of having the dirtiest class-room in the school !
5 ‘ Except that you were right when you once accused me of having a personal prejudice .
6 ‘ You accused me of having a lover and I chose not to deny it . ’
7 ‘ You , Fernando Serra , are either lying through your teeth , putting on a brave face or you have the same loose sort of arrangement with your mistress as you accused me of having with Steve . ’
8 ‘ He accused you of having abandoned him , ’ he said .
9 He was president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace when Whittaker Chambers , a renegade and self-confessed Communist ‘ spy ’ then on the staff of Time magazine , accused him of having passed him documents from the State Department during the late 1930s .
10 When he came home he was distant and vague , and preoccupied , and in the end I accused him of having a mistress . ’
11 When Fulk of Neuilly , the most famous preacher of the time , accused him of having three wicked daughters , pride , avarice and sensuality , Richard amused his courtiers by offering to give his pride to the Templars , his avarice to the Cistercians , and his sensuality to bishops and abbots — reminding Fulk of the notorious weaknesses of some members of the church .
12 A second charge accused him of having between the same dates — July 1 and August 20 , 1993 — attempted to force Mr McIvor to refrain from giving evidence at the trial of Stephen Wilson .
13 She knew that the Princesse suspected her of having taken Andrzej as a lover , but that only made it all the more plausible .
14 Despite his apparent desire , matching the sudden irrational flaring of her own treacherous libido , he still suspected her of having designs on the family fortune , and she would n't be at all surprised to discover that his attempt to kiss her just now had been a sort of test .
15 Her father glared at her as if he suspected her of having the whole thing arranged behind his back .
16 In the other case the husband of a client asked to have the support worker withdrawn after four months because he felt that his wife suspected him of having an affair with the support worker .
17 I even suspected him of having an affair .
18 She had not , so far , suspected him of having any religious creed .
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