Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The prestigious Wedgwood name also made them a propaganda target for Hitler 's forces .
2 The government could pick up anyone they wanted and prosecute at their leisure , if we made them a present of all those names .
3 And he slept with me , he would n't go to sleep so I took them both downstairs , made them a drink , made them something to eat , come back to bed .
4 The sums so entrusted made them a power among London houses subscribing to public loans , particularly during the wars of 1744–63 .
5 Anyway , when the ambulance men came we made them a cup of tea , cos they said they a they 'd have been that busy they have n't had a break !
6 So we made them a cup of tea and hopefully they were going to talk her into it .
7 There was the lure of the big stores , though clothing coupons and shortage of money made them a feast for the eye only .
8 ‘ That 's a tricky one to answer because the complexities are still there but we made them a lot more hidden .
9 The conduct of the foresters made them a by-word for oppression and extortion .
10 The Parrot was one of their more recent acquisitions , and when Huey made them an offer , they took it .
11 For the next three hours the motorbike led them a nightmare chase over more than a hundred kilometres of mountain roads that were often little more than channels covered by scree and loose gravel , furrowed by rain-water and ridged by surfacing strata of rock .
12 Then the local centre for the handicapped lent them a wheelchair , so they were able to get out and about .
13 There were few holidays , or trips to the famous surf of the Australian beaches , until friends of the family lent them a house by the sea in later years .
14 She lent me a couple of hundred quid because I was in financial difficulty .
15 When I showed her she lent me a silk shawl to drape round my shoulders and over my breasts .
16 We remain convinced that full merger is the best way forward and the amendment will e enable the project to make progress If the Lib Dems have changed their mind Chairman and do support the forthcoming Labour amendment erm th the worst aspect for me is that I 've lost a bet because Bob bet me a year ago that the Lib Dems would not last the distance and he 's been proved right .
17 ‘ I asked you a question , you asked me a question , but I did n't leap out of nowhere and start a fight , did I ?
18 ‘ Man asked me a question , did n't he ?
19 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
20 you asked me a question .
21 You asked me a question I gave an answer .
22 And it was then she finally asked me a question that has bothered her for twenty years .
23 It , it was one of those chips and ju they just asked me a minute .
24 He asked me a lot of questions which I did not understand .
25 And he asked me a lot of very pertinent questions which seemed to me more than idle curiosity .
26 He asked me a lot of suspicious questions , and eventually I was shown to what must have been the poorest room in his house , over the kitchen , facing a hen-run .
27 He asked me a lot of questions about myself — what I wanted to do with my life , that sort of thing …
28 Albert as chairman asked me a number of questions to which he already knew the answers for the good reason that we had already gone over them in Fulham .
29 Maxine asked me a number of the usual questions , and I answered each one in turn hoping to set her mind at rest .
30 The hon. Gentleman asked me a number of specific questions .
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