Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] go back " in BNC.

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1 Because I 'd done two prison sentences they obviously expected me to go back again .
2 ‘ No , David asked me to go back for coffee but I refused . ’
3 Then he remembered his mother and Stefan and made himself go back and look up at the bodies till he did n't mind any more .
4 Then he told me to go back home and explain to Mum .
5 A poignant reflection on the situation occurs in the entries for Thursday and Friday , October 10th and 11th Thursday : ‘ Had a terrible row today ; Elfed told me to go back to Pontrhydyfen .
6 The doctors told me to go back to Cambridge and carry on with the research I had just started in general relativity and cosmology .
7 He told me to go back and try again . ’
8 She begged me to go back .
9 Alexander MacDondald of Boisdale , the Highland chief who met him on arrival , begged him to go back to Europe .
10 The thing is , we ordered it went back in the afternoon and it was cut and put on the side , I had to have it did n't I ?
11 She prayed , and took up vegetarianism , more as an extra religion than as part of the war effort ; after a while she made herself go back to the hospital , and eventually she found Higher Mathematics .
12 He consulted the West African National Secretariat : they urged him to go back .
13 She watched him go back to the kitchen and when he had shut the living room door firmly , she sank down on the rug in front of the gas fire with her back propped against the armchair and sipped gloomily at the wine .
14 Eagerly she watched him go back and forth , back and forth , the thought-bubble getting brighter and clearer all the time .
15 There was such quiet authority in his deep voice that she nodded , instinctively obeying the command , remaining stiff and unfeeling as she watched him go back inside .
16 Politeness alone made her go back to see the doctor , and listen to her almost stern advice .
17 After a long session trying on clothes , she was walking out with her purchases when a man tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to go back into the shop .
18 so , erm , they rang and they rang , and they rang for a good twenty to twenty five minutes and we just erm , we , we all huddled together in the living room , and erm , anyway about half an hour went past , and then they finally went , we saw them , we live in a flat , and we saw them from the window , we saw them going back to the station you see .
19 And they were in this grotty council house now and they go back and they said and you saw them going back and saying look at the state of the garden .
20 A few months after I left I met someone else and we had a wonderful relationship for a few months , but then guilt reared its ugly head and Marie persuaded me to go back because I 'd left her with two children .
21 And I wanted to be doing something so I went I went back to nursing .
22 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
23 And it was last August , last August Bank Holiday this was started , just before the Bank Holiday weekend when i cos we were all on that gates , Bank Holiday weeks , stopping all the traffic going in there Yea That 's how the know is , maybe if we 'd a gone back then and , yo you know , if he , he offered us to go back then about September .
24 What When did you go back ?
25 When did you go back ?
26 Why did you go back to London in the first place ? — why did n't you stay here ? ’
27 ‘ But why did you go back ? ’
28 oh , I did n't know you 've lost it when did you go back to the cinema ?
29 when did you go back to the cinema then ?
30 Oh perha what time did you go back today ?
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