Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] it must " in BNC.

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1 At the time I thought little more about it , but later I realized that it must have been caused by some powerful pain-killing drug .
2 A slow smile spread across his face as he realized that it must be Ace with the Marines .
3 When the gentleman in your office , however , addressed me not as Mrs Maitland , but by my maiden name , which is the one I write under , I realized that it must indeed be me who was being phoned , whereupon it suddenly seemed ( perhaps only by association of ideas ) imperative that I had the means of writing to hand .
4 Mrs Singh agreed that it must be the way he forgot things .
5 He would not talk about it , and you knew not to ask more , but you realised that it must have been the time in his life when he most resembled himself .
6 Then she realised that it must be Ianthe Broome , the canon 's daughter they were always talking about , and perhaps in some way a kind of ‘ rival ’ for the affections of a man she had not yet seen .
7 He termed this new pattern of systematized organization ‘ bureaucracy ’ , and argued that it must progressively supplant all rival systems of administration in a modern society because of its technical superiority in tackling problems and marshalling large-scale activity in a purposeful way .
8 Wheatstone 's work in telegraphy seemed to show that electricity travelled about as fast as light , and Faraday believed that it must go just as fast ; he also believed that gravity must be analogous to other attractive forces , and take time for its propagation , though there was no evidence for this .
9 She stipulated that it must never have been involved in an accident .
10 It seemed that it must take a long time for such peace to be broken .
11 There was something inside me after all , and whatever it was — to my untutored mind it seemed that it must be exceedingly unpleasant , even hideous — it was not well .
12 They had evolved once , so it seemed that it must be possible to evolve them again .
13 I seemed to recall that in the past when we 'd met we 'd got on reasonably well , so I assumed that it must have been something that Jennifer had told you that had turned you against me , or , failing that , that you were just embarrassed at having to work with your sister 's ex-fiancé . ’
14 When , in 1928 , vitamin C was first isolated by Albert Szent-Györgyi his studies showed that it must be related to the hexoses , but he was not able to determine its structure .
15 Somebody here observed that it must be the first Life on somebody so reclusive and how therefore did the programme-makers manage to find enough guests ?
16 In so doing he permitted Isis to reveal the name to her son Horus but ordered that it must not be told to anyone else .
17 As I stared at her wondering what had caused the condition , I decided that it must be some kind of vitamin deficiency .
18 ‘ My father , puzzled for an instant as to the meaning of this accident , since Mrs Goodyer was the gentlest and most inoffensive of our Church members , decided that it must be because she had made an idol of her husband … ‘
19 Molly remembered the child in pantaloons and decided that it must have been bought by Sandra and not Buck Kettering .
20 When the people realized it was not alive , they decided that it must belong to the Man-Mountain , and the King ordered them to bring it to me .
21 For that reason alone , the Communist party saw that it must either stop Mosley now or else perhaps lose all chance of a populist vote in its own support .
22 Kathleen Lavender started and , looking down at the spreading carpet of white beads , felt that it must be her fault .
23 He thought later — ‘ When I could think , ’ he said — that it was as if the soul knew that it must surrender itself into the Lad 's hands , to do with as he wished .
24 It was a small , stuffy room , and yet I distinctly felt a chill in the air , like a draught , and I knew that it must be coming from that other world my uncle had told me about , and that the threshold to it was somewhere very close at hand .
25 It was , indeed , the dominant concept of the age , though there was a rather fundamental division between those who thought that progress would be more or less continuous and linear , and those ( like Marx ) who knew that it must and would be discontinuous and contradictory .
26 Indeed , Fleury felt quite like a sculptor as he worked away and he thought that it must feel something like this to carve an object of beauty out of the primeval rock .
27 Oliver wondered why the old man lived in such an old , dirty place , when he had so many watches , but then he thought that it must cost Fagin a lot of money to look after the Dodger and the other boys .
28 From the river 's edge it stretched back on to the plain for a distance of over a kilometre , and he thought that it must contain well over three thousand men .
29 My mother left me a property in Lesotho when she died , and they insisted that it must be in my husband 's name .
30 I lifted the receiver and listened and it must have been the expression on my face which stopped him in the doorway .
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