Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] something [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Perhaps she realised that something like that would make it easier for her to be found . ’
2 Being together even wrought a curious change in their characters ; Oldfield noticed that something of his diffidence seemed to have rubbed off on Branson .
3 ‘ Like Bogart , Steve brought himself to each part he played and something of each of them rubbed off on his personality .
4 It came as something of a shock in the late 1970s , when developments in the human rights situation around the world and the increase in groups worldwide and the increase in groups worldwide led to fewer prisoner cases being available for UK groups .
5 This came as something of a surprise , for nothing Victor Saunders had told me about the Priut refuge quite prepared me for my first sight of this three-storey silver sausage — an amazing futuristic construction with a dining room that looks out on a wonderland of peaks , and with some four-bedded dormitories which , if you 're lucky enough to be allocated one , ensures a degree of comfort far different from alpine-style overcrowding .
6 THE PANIC world-wide over the Friday 13th computer viruses came as something of an anti-climax , with the Royal National Institute for the Blind emerging as the major casualty .
7 After running a substantial international fibres business , it came as something of a cultural shock to find himself sitting in ICI 's headquarters with only a secretary to command .
8 So it came as something of a shock to Labour 's Brian Wilson when he found that a Commons motion he had tabled had been … well , subbed a bit by the authorities of the House .
9 It came as something of a shock to the Poles to realise that the Kaszubians saw no difference between selling their land to a Pole or selling it to a German .
10 So , it came as something of a disappointment when a Ms Mel Chevannes , who ran a black supplementary school in the West Midlands , wrote to the Wolverhampton Express and Star to protest at my testing ‘ hypotheses that black people are ‘ happy-go-lucky or very physical in their outlook ’ ’ and that my aims were to ‘ damage even further the life chances of black children ’ ( 25 June 1980 ) .
11 In view of these attitudes , it came as something of a surprise when the Chancellor 's 1989 Autumn statement included an extra £250 million over two years to tackle the problem of homelessness .
12 I asked her if she always painted with such alacrity and her answer came as something of a relief , ‘ I like to enjoy painting , so ofttimes I paint much more slowly , it 's like eating , you do n't want to rush through a great meal ’ .
13 This came as something of a surprise since most people had assumed that SIB , as the recognising authority , was exercising some sort of supervisory control .
14 What began as something of a blitzkrieg , intended to paralyse Iran 's military and oil-transmission systems and the political leadership 's control of the country , soon slowed down , encountering a totally unexpected capacity to resist on the part of the Iranian forces .
15 Now he knew that something in her life had caused her great pain and , even though he could n't possibly have any idea what it had been , still she was racked by his knowing even that much about her .
16 Past interviews have portrayed him as dour , introverted and something of a depressive , but now it 's obvious he has turned that corner and views the world in a thoroughly positive light .
17 The ocean carrier , therefore , was deemed to warrant to the consignor safe transport and delivery and could avoid liability only if he proved that something in the nature of force majeure had intervened .
18 He said if something like this got out , he said , we 'd be out of business .
19 When pressed , he almost conceded that something of the original philosophy of the 1992 programme may have been lost .
20 Consultations with other doctors in Britain suggested that something like this format may well have been fairly common in the past with the very poorest patients , while modern studies of casualty departments revealed that something approximating to it was still used with the most stigmatised of patients .
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