Example sentences of "[vb past] [conj] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without loss of quality and can be rotated , bolded , kerned or filled with any pattern .
2 The 1981 census found that compared with the national average of 14% , inner urban areas have particularly heavy concentrations of lone parent families .
3 The Framingham population cohort study found that compared with non-smokers , those who smoked had a lower rate of clinical gall bladder disease , a difference that reached borderline statistical significance .
4 Although she was terribly fond of the children she found that working with them was like banging her head against a brick wall .
5 Men who reported that talking with their closest friend or relative made things worse had 29% and 40% higher rates of short and long spells of absence , respectively , compared with those who reported positive support from this person .
6 Sir John Menzies was part of that , by his marriage to Atholl 's daughter , and Atholl dined and intrigued with the Lord Advocate when he went to Edinburgh for the season .
7 Next out of the bag came a paper nylon petticoat with many more layers of frothy rainbow-coloured net than the one Sally carefully washed in sugar water after each wearing , and then , to Sally 's delight , a saucy little white basque , boned and trimmed with lace .
8 A type 2 statistical error is possible in a clinical study of 17 patients , but our observations were very precise and carefully validated and agree with the results of a recent much larger study from Australia .
9 Its legs were splayed out at awkward angles on the rug , and its flanks rose and fell with the deep breaths of sleep .
10 The Ironclaw Orcs lived around the Iron Rock for many years , and their fortunes rose and fell with the accustomed regularity of Orc tribes .
11 The launch , however , behaved like a well-trained work-horse and merely rose and fell with the swell .
12 ‘ What 's this fellow doing here ? ’ she shouted , puffing out her hastily improvised dark veil which rose and fell with each indignant gasp .
13 He knew that the archer would have to load and winch his bow , so he rose and ran with all his force , clearing the trees , almost breathless as he stumbled up the muddy causeway leading to the main abbey gate .
14 In addition , numerical modelling of the geochemical trends indicates that within one cycle the magma may have evolved by inputs of discrete batches of primary peridotitic partial melt that fractionated as it rose and mixed with earlier magma prior to eruption .
15 You can almost see the word ‘ this ’ underlined and highlighted with disgust — ‘ is this the reason for mankind and the millions of years of evolution necessary to produce it ? ’ , says the soldier .
16 Even though , forged before the introduction of recoil mechanism , they bounced back and had to be relaid after each shot just like cannon of the Napoleonic era , the elderly French 155s cracked and thundered with remarkable accuracy .
17 All around us an increasing crowd was assembling on the platform while the subterranean tunnels thundered and shook with their hidden traffic .
18 They bantered and argued with each other , laughed raucously , became angry and fell into sulks , changing moods as quickly and as unpredictably as children .
19 He moved and spoke with the caution of a glass-boned theologian .
20 She bent and fiddled with a machine at her feet .
21 He stopped and toyed with his glass .
22 She could see them standing on the ridge of hill that rose up behind Tara 's eastern boundaries , sending out the strong magic of the Samhailt to their creatures , so that the woods and the streams and the hillsides thrummed and quivered with the Mindsong .
23 From 1940 , when he made his first broadcast as a quiz-master in the BBC radio series Ack , Ack , Beer , Beer , he was a constant broadcaster and in 1943 , by then stationed at the Air Ministry in London , he created and wrote with Squadron Leader Richard Murdoch the long-running radio series Much Binding in the Marsh , a take-off of a fictitious RAF station .
24 In fact , that situation is even more confusing than it may seem from this account because a third cultural trauma , this time representing the change from cultivation ( of plants ) to herding and pastoralism also occurred and brought with it a great intensification , not of weaning as happened with cultivation , nor of the phallic mutilations which accompanied hunting , but of toilet-training .
25 The dog whined and squirmed with pleasure , jumping up at the two women in turn .
26 He did n't smile as the Shermans approached but waited with his left hand resting on the hilt of his ceremonial sword , his aloof expression suggesting that he estimated the dignity of his person to be at least equal to that of the fabled hero of France looking down from the wall behind him .
27 Somehow she doubted whether sharing with Sandra the fact that she already did regret the day she 'd first laid eyes on Matthew would be helpful to anyone .
28 From now on it will refer to products validated as working with all Sparc-compliant hardware and software , not just Sun .
29 Now those of us who 've been involved on the Moat Highfields sub committee will have a need to know that when we were faced with really serious and horrendous problems , we found when faced with the reality and a great deal of detailed information , that an extraordinary amount of three party cooperation was achieved .
30 More local law societies disagreed as agreed with the question , but amongst respondents from medium-sized and larger firms there were slight majorities in favour .
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