Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [vb infin] at " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Tiller suddenly pulled me out and made me stand at the side .
2 It made me cringe at its over-the-top violence .
3 The g was less , and that made me feel at home .
4 looked after me in Hyderabad , where he and his wife made me feel at home with their warm , relaxing hospitality .
5 It was only the thought of this poor baby in me that made me stir at all and get myself to a friend of Ferdinando 's who is in the way of knowing all the business of the street being a wine-merchant and visited by all .
6 Something made me linger at the bottom of the grand staircase , near the bust of Unamuno , pretending to read some notices about student societies .
7 It made me look at myself again with a more critical eye and say yes , I can be more positive and look to the future with renewed optimism .
8 Suddenly he cut me short and took me round the room and made me look at things .
9 Then he made me look at the windows .
10 You made me look at you , I 've overlowed his
11 My natural reserve made me recoil at this blatant approach , as did my total commitment and loyalty to Leslie .
12 I told my Mum that I had a headache so she let me stay at home .
13 In the antique firearms section there was a pair of pistols fitted with a detonating system which used fulminate and dated from about 1809 ; there was an intriguing possible English royal connection and this , together with their unusual detonation , helped them sell at £5,000 .
14 So the first point is if you 're going to show something show it , let everybody deal with it let everybody look at it then when you 've finished with that turn it off because you want the centre of attention to come back to you , presumably .
15 He paused a moment , and when he found that the horse was no longer rebellious , and only impatient to gallop , he let him go at full speed .
16 Mittwoch ( 1990 : 117 ) feels very similar impressions to those described by Cotte : like him , she points out that a sentence such as ( 218a ) seems contradictory whereas ( 218b ) does not : ( 218a ) * She let him stay at home yesterday but he chose to go to school all the same .
17 Whilst he has this weight advantage ( you get with youth ) Id let him run at defenders but especially the 2 central ones .
18 Jenna moved and he let her go at once , coming lithely to his feet and helping her up .
19 He let it go at that , smiling to himself as he suggested to Iris Sunderby that she go up to her room and put her things together .
20 B but Terry let us look at the
21 Tea helped us rise at 3am for the final climb .
22 What made you jump at that moment ?
23 Others made you marvel at their cleverness and knowledge : this was an achievement as well as an entertainment .
24 Incensed by his own inadequacy , he heard himself yell at her in desperation , ‘ Mariana , have you read Jane Austen … ? ’
25 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
26 Once I heard him speak at a church service in Morton , and although he was an excellent speaker , there was a certain bitterness and disappointment in his words .
27 She heard him gasp at the sheer beauty of her superb feminine body .
28 She heard him catch at air , and cough up the last slime of the river .
29 Edging between the two tall , upright stones , Tug heard him mutter at the Woman , ‘ Lock up the car and bring the Kalashnikov .
30 My friend was about 50 feet above me and almost out of sight in the fog , when I heard him yell at me to ‘ come and see this ’ .
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