Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [vb past] in " in BNC.

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1 Their nimble dexterity even made them preferred in the manufacture of buttons and in lacquering and japanning , although it did not bring them the wages of skilled male artisans .
2 When Maggie returned she found them locked in the strained silence .
3 The Pittagora women did not yet swim , and airless midsummer found them sequestered in their shuttered , marble-floored apartment in Rupe , emerging only before the sun gathered strength to go to market or to Mass , or after its heat had dimmed in the evening to stroll under the acacia trees with the rest of the town 's gentry , while their servants sat in doorways on wooden chairs , commenting aloud .
4 And onto ou round Australia and that and I mentioned I started in New Foundland , yes .
5 Passing through the foyer on a last check before retiring , Mr Multhrop found himself engulfed in a merry throng of post-hollands revellers , intent on beginning a new party .
6 If there was some difficulty involved which resulted in your leaving a job , avoid referring to it , but do not resort to outright lying as this will rebound badly against you if you are found out .
7 However , our experience was that the very week that our new church planting team began to meet , with such rosy hopes , a violent row between two families occurred which resulted in one couple leaving the team and the church .
8 I 'd hardly gone into the room when there was a cry as a woman found you slumped in a seat . ’
9 Perhaps those artists mentioned who worked in several ways — like Hartley or Guston or Morris — will be shown in a manner that suggests some of the aesthetic connective tissue that is otherwise ignored , but if they are represented only by their signature work a great deal will be missing .
10 Always in the leading group , McMahon pushed to the front before the last where he was challenged by the favourite Over the Edge , but keeping his mount perfectly balanced and running as straight as a gun barrel , McMahon found something left in the ‘ Tank ’ and went on to score a snug success .
11 A friend later found him collapsed in his room .
12 Instead she called his friend Heng Yu Wong who found him collapsed in his rom .
13 In my lecture tours round the squadrons I sought these crews out and , almost without exception , found they had in fact volunteered for PFF but had their applications rejected by their CO .
14 Cameron maintained he acted in self-defence .
15 We found it buried in the grass and it obviously been put there deliberately to maim .
16 I found it folded in a corner , still heavy with the perfume of the Sheikha who had given it to me .
17 I found it clutched in Anna 's hand when we cleaned her up .
18 Although she appeared uninterested while Army commanders Brigadier David Morgan and Major John Martin described what happened in 1951 , she moved towards Mr Mercer the moment Charles 's back was turned .
19 A witness described what happened in Bulohawo , a town on the Somali-Kenyan border :
20 Within four hours it was all over , and the following morning thousands of officers and men found themselves incarcerated in the Cittadella , the great sixteenth-century fortress built by the Farnese on the outskirts of the city .
21 And as she played she sang in a high contralto .
22 She also wore a new lipstick called Chloe , which took some attention away from the slight sallowness she imagined she saw in her complexion , and a splash of light cologne .
23 With glasses replenished we sat in the CHAB studio where we were soon joined by His Worship the Mayor and a number of other leading citizens who had stayed behind in the hotel to hear the broadcast .
24 Yeah , they 're all listed are n't but as we came we came in the way we would come , I 'm a bit ignorant , so I suppose we were
25 DR COX : Believed he acted in patient 's best interest
26 When she said this she looked full at him for the first time and ill though she seemed he saw in her eyes the full pride and command of an eagle .
27 Then came It Happened in Capri , and after that , nothing .
28 As we met she slumped in the snow .
29 On the very Sunday that the new church opened we looked in vain for the empty seats in St Luke 's : it seemed that God had given to us at the mother church a new group of people who had either moved into the area or who were to be converted and we saw the truth of the saying : ‘ Give and it will be given to you , pressed down and running over . ’
30 Punk rock was over by then anyway ( real punks claimed it finished in 1976 , but who were the ‘ real ’ punks ? ) and in its place there was an orgy of cross-cultural pollination , based entirely upon received ideas .
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