Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Bonington was impressed with the Darc Star climbers when he met them training on the Scottish peaks last winter .
2 Michaela , 26 , said : ‘ They got me looking for wallabies and scorpions living wild in Britain .
3 The fact that my innocent inquiry had provoked such a defensive , almost hostile response got me thinking about what has been happening to the labour force since the mid-1970s .
4 Initially it was the drumming that got me bouncing in my seat , but when the bass came in I just could n't help grinning insanely at all the other drivers , wishing they could hear it too ( mind you , I had it up so loud that they probably could ) .
5 Er and then he got me he er he got me interested in politics and he got me going to this N C L C evening evening classes .
6 The guy who really got me going about painting was John Bellany .
7 The guy who really got me going about painting was John Bellany .
8 ‘ They got me going by guaranteeing my expenses until I started to win some prize money .
9 It is the result of a six-year trek around the world by the Kienholzes which took them from an Indian reservation in South Dakota to China and got them thinking about how the chance of one 's birth is all important in one 's life .
10 Cos you have erm is normally four , four , sorry tenth and eleventh years in sixth formers , and they 've also got a subject choice section as well , which I have used in the past for ninth years and it wa , it just got them thinking about things in a completely different way from what we , they 've ever done
11 Skipper , Derek Hall got them going with his first ever goal for the club , so no wonder he went on a victory run .
12 lock Peter Bell got them going with the opening score …
13 The next three days were spent not looking at the buildings and architecture of gay Paree but for a mythical Adidas Centre which one of my mates overheard someone talking about in hushed tones in a Liverpool snug .
14 No-one said much to me at tea , although I caught them looking at me sometimes as they sipped at their mugs .
15 Suddenly Isabel was no longer floating , she was falling instead , the sensation so swift and unexpected that she flung up her hands to save herself , and found them clinging to the source of the heat above her .
16 She remained in the room for a long while but although Carrie went there twice with tea for them , she found them talking in the Romany language and did not understand anything they said .
17 Sometimes one found them frothing with water from the spring .
18 When Ella came in , exactly three minutes later , she found them standing on the hearthrug , hand in hand .
19 who found me staring at you in a store
20 They found me sitting in the hall , I had to be helped upstairs to bed . ’
21 My dad caught me injecting in the bedroom .
22 But they put their foot down when it came to maths and they caught me grappling with the colour scheme of a kestrel .
23 At Templecombe we found everyone going about their own business .
24 But that never stopped me wanting to be . ’
25 It stopped them reacting violently because it stopped them reacting at all . ’
26 Nicolas , 32 , and his 31-year-old wife live in a modest apartment and friends say pride stopped them getting in touch with her .
27 CHART stars Pop Will Eat Itself blew up when a mix-up stopped them appearing in Sweden .
28 We followed a pleasant bridle path through trees and soon found ourselves listening to the sweet bubbling song of a black cap .
29 So at 10.30 the next morning we found ourselves waiting at Lochranza , the most northerly point of the island .
30 Taking the initiative , I led the way , following three skiers who looked as if they knew where they were going — they did n't , and we found ourselves poling for quite a long way before a unanimous decision to have an early lunch was taken .
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