Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [noun] if " in BNC.

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1 We asked my cousin if the poor laboratory rats had ‘ gone for a Burton ’ , and the sally caused to flit across our minds a phrase from The Anatomy of Melancholy condemning gluttony as ‘ the source of all our infirmities and the fountain of all our diseases ’ .
2 I asked my parents if they would allow me to stay the night , saying that Valeria was alone in the house and I would keep her company .
3 So you see I could n't fight with them too much cos I thought they 'd take it out on dad , so I said look I do n't want him here , I do n't need all this but I said another thing that got my goat , you asked my mum to help turn my dad , they asked my mum if she could help turn him because they did n't have enough staff or he could n't be turned and when my mum turned him she come out and was sick and cried her eyes out cos he had no skin from the top of his spine to the bottom , and he had a water blister like that Joy yellow on his arm , his penis was nearly the width of my arm pouring with blood , and septic from the catheter , oh and the smell , you 've never smelled nothing like it from the sores and the wounds , cos he was cut from here right the way down to here and they had a , all his legs were festering and gangrene in his legs
4 I asked my guide if they made the sort of paper that was used for books ; she said they made every sort of paper .
5 On our return from the Celtic path , I asked my guide if there was anything else I should see or know about .
6 The two leaves and the gates had gone long since , for it possibly dated from the sixteenth century — nevertheless there was a distinct something about it and Mr. Hibberd , the antique dealer often asked my mother if she would consider selling .
7 I always got on with my daughter , but she 's in Canada now , so I asked my son if I could stay with him for a bit .
8 Marcelle promised her help if he required it .
9 Nearer to their hotel , Fred did an improvisation about the home life of an air hostess who was taken over in bed by her working phrases and asked her husband if he would care to recline and have a beverage .
10 Most of the family were present when Anne asked her mother if she could have her dress altered , and after she had gone to see the Misses Dolan Tony said , ‘ I think it 's a shame Anne ca n't go out and enjoy herself .
11 The thought made her shudder , but the fact that he had n't referred to the ghastly possibility himself made her wonder if Isabelle had kept her pregnancy a secret from the de Rochefort clan .
12 She retraced her steps and the sight of the open front door made her wonder if Silas had gone outside .
13 His silence following the question made her wonder if it was something he had no wish to divulge , but at last he said with simple sincerity , ‘ She sent you to me . ’
14 He never drove his car if he was having any drink with his lunch .
15 I would offer a contract that allowed him exclusivity if he gets a minimum of 100 candidates in November 1993 and 200 during 1993/94 .
16 ‘ He agreed to let her go out , but threatened her life if she was to raise the alarm .
17 Mrs C asked her LEA if her daughter could change school , because at her school , where 40 per cent of the pupils were of Asian origin , the child was , in Mrs C 's reported words , ‘ learning Pakistani ’ .
18 ‘ During my visit I told them I would be extremely surprised if they were not granted asylum and offered my help if they have any problems . ’
19 Well the estate er er er the Duke of Sutherland had the whole of Assynt and then h General Stewart who was born in Nedd and worked and made his fortune if it was as you would say in Canada on the C P R.
20 He 's telling the tale from his bed , all about the fact that he asked his wife if before the end he could see another woman from his past .
21 Finally Richard , in the hearing of all , asked his father if he would recognize him as his heir .
22 He asked his colleague if he would consider giving him some age-regression therapy in an attempt to deal with the problem , whatever it was , that had been brought to light .
23 Charles asked his Sergeant if he could hear it and when the singers behind petered out dejectedly , he plainly could .
24 His father rose , walked into the bar and asked his son if he would like a drink .
25 The actor did n't much fancy having his leg amputated , so he asked his agent if there were any other jobs going .
26 That poem reminds me that I did my best , did my duty if you like . ’
27 When he asked if he could take part , the gentlemen archers looked at him and at his bow and , thinking it doubtful he could hit anything at 100 yards , gave their permission if his father looked after him .
28 Will you be able to share papers because er erm and therefore those papers which we 're about to discuss , you had your admissions if you brought your papers with you yes ?
29 No this sheet 's from ages ago I found it in me desk when I was tidying it and er I asked me teacher if it
30 Once , being led by a boy through the maze of the medina , Marianne asked our guide if the people were religious .
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