Example sentences of "[vb past] [pron] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd just got my licence and I drove into Manhattan , because I got my licence the day I turned sixteen .
2 I went home and visited my GP the next day , and he gave me calamine lotion .
3 As soon as I loosened my grip the tiniest fraction — say to alter the angle of insertion from one that caused grievous bodily harm to one that was only very uncomfortable — the damned thing sprang into a new incarnation as a frisbee and shot across the room .
4 My knuckles and hands were a mass of windblown cuts and boils which meant that whenever I clenched my fists the gashes opened .
5 But as I rode out with the nation 's most prestigious hunt , I found its members the model of politeness .
6 They found their bedroom the hardest room to decorate in the new style .
7 Her flippancy helped her distance the odd reality of the blue that wove through her vision .
8 ‘ And these fellers used to go to sea like that ; and in these boats they were gone ten and twelve weeks , and they slept in little bunks , and they never changed their clothes the whole time .
9 But even as this thought entered his mind the Padre 's voice came promptly to reprimand him : " Adulterers and fornicators and all unclean persons , God shall judge . "
10 She gazed into his face raptly as he described his clinic the day before at St Mary 's and passed on good wishes from Sister Concepta .
11 I 've seen him like this before , before you were born , when he cracked his ankle the week before the final trial .
12 He was an open supporter of the Covenant and when he visited his friend the blacksmith , he was on his way to join a band of Covenanters about to confront a party of Dragoons .
13 Police now believe the couple met their deaths the following day , when their red Vauxhall Astra van was found abandoned at Manchester Airport .
14 There were pictures in one of Gloria 's magazines of the decorated carriage Pulled by plumed horses that Her Majesty had travelled in before she became Her Majesty the Queen , when she was still just a Lady , on her way to be married .
15 She wrote a family biography , So Laugh a Little ( 1962 ) , and co-wrote her autobiography The Sound of Laughter ( 1979 ) .
16 When she asked her pupils the name of one of the disciples quick as a flash came the answer , " Matthew … cap'n . "
17 Beneath the tick and scrawl that made her name the paper was lightly wrinkled .
18 But as they made their getaway the gang crashed into a lorry , and then panicked hijacking four cars at gunpoint , and opening fire on police .
19 Ever Dennis Peck 's Bad Boy , Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive officer Scott McNealy got some mileage out of the fact that Sun , DEC and Hewlett-Packard all made their announcements the same day last week : ‘ there 's a lot of noise out there right now , ’ he told his satellite audience .
20 And the police , disregarding the reds , heads , freaks , revolution , and rock at the front of the paper , made their target the gay contact personal ads at the back .
21 The fewer people who knew where she got her information the better .
22 She passed her grandfather the courgettes .
23 — One explanation is that when visitors to West Africa pointed at the land around them and asked its name the local people though they were indicating a group of nearby women .
24 This resulted in a great deal of correspondence between myself and the Development Corporation and at the end of it I told my wife the best thing to do was to hand her notice in as there was no chance of us ever getting a house in Harlow , fortunately her services were much more seriously in demand then we imagined and the company nominated us for one , a house which is allocated to one of their executives , the house that we 're living in now and have lived in ever since nineteen sixty three .
25 I once told my brother the comic after my father had read it to me earlier .
26 ‘ I never went to drama school , ’ he would say without a hint of regret , ‘ but learnt my craft the hard way . ’
27 But she later told her parents the boys had raped her and they were quizzed by police for several days before the girl confessed to lying .
28 She told her parents the next day .
29 Dressed in a purple coat and hat , the Queen told her audience the RAF had adapted well to changing circumstances .
30 But the more I fished for bream and studied their behaviour the more I began to question the correctness of this theory , for I became aware that sizeable bream are rarely taken near to the margins .
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