Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] her [noun] " in BNC.

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31 She asked for her name not to be used because she wanted to protect her relationship with regular callers .
32 She asked for her boys to be taken into care because she was terrified that she would do it again .
33 Mandy and Debby looked the part all right , they looked tough enough for this , particularly Debby , who gave me so much eye-contact and hand-on-knee and dressing-gown disclosure that I almost asked for her telephone number .
34 The police driver asked for her documents but the woman explained , with a pleasant smile that they were at her home nearby .
35 Then I paid the woman the five shillings she asked for her hospitality and went on my way .
36 He asked for her help in resisting attempts to ban the sale of fresh turkeys at Christmas .
37 ‘ I was desperate when I rang Anne and asked for her help .
38 Occasionally he asked for her opinion but showed no particular reaction when she gave it , so that she had no way of knowing if he was completely satisfied with her grasp of the work .
39 Before she could add , as she was evidently about to , that she never bought anything at the door , he announced himself hurriedly and asked for her husband .
40 And a great relaxation rippled through her brain to her muscles and nerves .
41 His mouth smothered hers again and she was aware of his taut , hard body lying across her own pliant form , aware of the roughness of his chest , the sculptured contours of muscle that rippled through her fingers as they clutched and stroked at his skin .
42 A tingle rippled through her blood .
43 I could n't take my eyes off her as she swivelled to rinse the mud from her legs , then flexed her arms , swept back her hair to shake it , and the motion rippled through her body .
44 He shifted slightly , the hard thrust of his hips angled into hers , and a shameful excitement rippled through her body , a swift , unbidden flame of desire throbbing into every crevice of her being .
45 He pulled her into his arms , pressing her close as a long , shuddering sigh rippled through her body .
46 Freed hair fluttered about her eyes in soft , damp lashes .
47 As the familiar words passed through her memory again Louisa was gazing at Edwin Frere where he stood on the ice , warming his hands on the glass of mulled wine , smiling in chatter with Tom Horrocks .
48 Last night , as Lesley fought for her life in the intensive care unit at the Royal Liverpool hospital , a 28-year-old man was being questioned by police .
49 Christine fought for her balance as he grasped her with hooked fingers .
50 Steel threaded through her muscles , and her senses became as sharp as a cat 's .
51 The knowledge which Mary made for her Son , Brigid breathed through her palms .
52 We feel Betty Willis may well be a record-breaker with the super-size socks she made for her super-size son-in-law whose super-loud voice gave him fifth place ( out of 100 contestants ) in the 1991 world championships for Town Criers .
53 Laura , knowing how much this vehicle meant to Bernard , had a miniature of it made for her husband , which he kept in his office .
54 All she got for her pains was a slight smile but no verbal reply as with efficient ease he filled and switched on a percolator .
55 And the hard chill crept through her bones as her husband 's hand crept into the blonde student 's blouse and they both smiled .
56 His gently probing fingers touched the first dainty hairs of her bonny thatch , and crept through her undergrowth like a lizard through the forest .
57 We sat on a park bench in Clifton , having revisited the streets where Moggach lived during her time in Bristol .
58 In addition to financial worries the job was not a pleasant one : in spite of many years of apparent conviviality , Dorothy realized after her father 's death that ‘ he had not one real friend ’ .
59 Alice asked after her daughter , Mungo 's mother , and complained about the price of bread .
60 He pushed her head to his shoulder and she found herself snuggling into the comfort , relaxing as his hand stroked through her hair .
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