Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] it with " in BNC.

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1 So far I 'd managed to avoid giving him the exact address , but now he asked for it with a determined note in his voice — " Just in case I 'm down that way " and I was forced to invent one , praying that he 'd never check up on it .
2 we foresaw a long downturn back in 1989 and we planned for it with re investment .
3 Anselm fought for it with a tenacity which is only explicable if the whole scene which we have briefly surveyed is borne in mind : the primacy was the brightest of the dreams which the monks of Canterbury had inherited from their largely silent , ever-beckoning past , and on this question Anselm fell under the spell of the awe-inspiring tradition which he had helped to preserve .
4 He waded through it with a non-stop grin and managed to turn it to political advantage .
5 The day came when the road was flooded and Skipper waded through it with no hesitation .
6 This was their initiation into the NSC world of secrecy , and they entered into it with a will .
7 I began to see my environment in a new light as I connected the shapes and patterns I found in it with mathematics .
8 Three black youths with huge , multicoloured knitted caps pulled over their dreadlocks like tea-cosies lean against the plateglass window of the shopping-precinct cafe , drumming a reggae beat on it with their finger-tips until shooed away by the manageress .
9 She scuffed at it with the tip of one brown brogue but it did not even smudge .
10 WordStar ( the company ) was quite late into the Windows market , and then came into it with an OEM deal .
11 The Ezbekiya did indeed have its moments , in the very early morning when there were few people about and the big falcons sailed over it with their unexpectedly musical cries and the Egyptian doves cooed softly in the palm trees , but on the whole what Owen liked was the Ezbekiya 's outside .
12 She banged on it with her free hand and it was opened by Higgins .
13 The door was shut and he banged on it with his knuckles two or three times before he heard a movement inside and the door opened .
14 Yesterday they played on it with delirious joy .
15 Dolly picked up the chop bone and nibbled at it with sharp teeth .
16 Connon poked at it with his forefinger .
17 It paid for it with cash of £4m and loan notes of £2.75m — i.e. a promise to pay the £2.75m four years later — and the payment was guaranteed by Ansbacher Bank .
18 And he paid for it with his life ( 31:8 ) .
19 She passed on to our agent the name Raphael , though he paid for it with his life .
20 Oh I think an electric drill it was in the sixties so with the twenty five pounds off it brought it down a bit and I , I paid for it with one cheque so I was n't having it on the weekly er er it worked out I think Vicki gave some of it towards it .
21 His collarbone ached , and he dug at it with his good arm , massaging the stiffness with his fingers .
22 She toyed with it with her fork , pushing it slowly around the plate , swirling it into patterns .
23 He produced the receipt , Donleavy carefully itemized the equipment on a small yellow legal pad and Coleman signed for it with his code name , Benjamin B.
24 Cornelius stepped sharply up and rapped upon it with his knuckle .
25 The walls and ceilings were all painted the same insipid magnolia and there was rush matting on the floor which trapped bits of food and stuff and hurt if you walked on it with bare feet .
26 The Chinese rug in the centre of the hall showed no blemish — until he walked on it with his muddy brogues .
27 A figure popped out of a doorway to Alexei 's left , and he cut at it with his sword and ran on .
28 Deaconess Tilley glanced at it with simulated interest .
29 Cursing , he thrust at it with his elbow and the glass shattered in fragments around him .
30 The shirt was placed separately and Curtis jabbed at it with a thick , square forefinger .
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