Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] it to " in BNC.

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1 The Prospect Inn has two of its decorative lino floors intact , although the owners , Whitbread , destroyed the original pole sign outside when the tenants asked for it to be repaired .
2 Bright too had misgivings in this area , particularly about size of the single conductor , and asked for it to be enlarged .
3 On 11 July Cross had taken a sample of his own tapwater into the local North Cornwall District Council offices and asked for it to be analysed , but the Council refused .
4 And did you read Bill Davis 's defence of the moneychangers in the temple , Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall on the last supper ( ‘ my partner chose the water then asked for it to be changed to wine ’ ) , David Thomas 's theory that Cain was framed by a feminist group ?
5 Six months later , when she asked for it to be given to Arrowe Park Hospital , which saved her son 's life , she was told the money was in a ‘ suspense account ’ .
6 A Royal source said : ‘ There was a gap in her diary and she asked for it to be filled .
7 The letter did not say that they would continue to be charged for the service , unless they wrote and asked for it to be stopped .
8 On 28 August 1651 , while Alured was evidently on his deathbed , James Chaloner [ q.v. ] , the Yorkshire MP , reported to the House that Alured was owed £8,769 and asked for it to be paid .
9 President Kenyatta asked for it to be translated into Swahili ; and members of his Cabinet paid tribute to its part in bringing a bloodless transition to self-government there .
10 Take-up has stemmed partly from the wish of those companies trading internationally and particularly in the highly litigious US to protect their directors and partly because , as Willis Corroon 's Drew Hardie said , ‘ when directors who had had this cover then moved to other companies they asked for it to be part of their new contract ’ .
11 He said : ‘ I took it in yesterday and asked for it to be repaired as soon as possible .
12 At that time , we , we received a petition from the tenants erm very much along the lines of the one that erm erm , er Mr has read out , at that time there was a petition from a hundred and eight county council tenants and one hundred and five of them in fact signed it and they , they asked for it to be allowed to keep the erm to have the freedom to decide whether or not hunting takes place .
13 These and many other such instances , however , are mainly cases where , although the constitution forbade the enactment of the law in question by that legislature or process , it provided for it to be enacted in some other way , e.g. by constitutional amendment .
14 To get there they had to cross the mud , and sank in it to their ankles , but below the soft surface the foreshore was hard here , and although it was a filthy journey it was n't particularly difficult .
15 ‘ I believe , ’ said the commissioner who reported on it to the Health of Towns Commission in 1845 ,
16 It seemed worth it to me .
17 Having reached the most distant onlookers , a young couple pushing up-and-down a baby in a pram , the girl drew tight the neck of the bag and strolled with it to the stage .
18 I cycled on it to Aberdare and Mountain Ash .
19 You know he paid for it to be
20 Lesley walked to the microphone as the chairperson retreated from it to a spatter of applause .
21 And I wa commented on it to you , it was when I borrowed the maternity robe from Penny and she
22 He arranged for it to be bound in silver and , to hide his embarrassment , had it inscribed Risum teneatis , amica — ‘ Restrain your laughter , friends ’ .
23 He arranged for it to be published within a year by the Cambridge University press , overcoming the scruples of the Vice-Chancellor , who objected to the passage
24 it was very clever , I watched the first couple because people who like Harry Enfield 's comic characters switched on , just to see what he was like and before you knew it you were twenty minutes into a half hour programme and you stuck with it to the end .
25 He spread it out , and glanced from it to the screen .
26 Disappointed at the constable 's absence , since he and Richard had prepared a verbal message for their mother , Edward remarked on it to the servant , a stranger , who brought their supper .
27 Cautiously he mounted the remaining stairs , recognised the figure for what it was and stepped over it to the wheelhouse .
28 She talked about it to her twin , and on Martha 's advice tried new ways to please Harry .
29 They talked sex , the way he talked about it to many people with whom he grew close in a working relationship .
30 I even hinted at it to Heather .
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