Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] it like " in BNC.

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1 She crept through it like a cat , keeping to the shadows , avoiding anybody who might ask what her business was in this place .
2 Here and there logs surfaced from it like the inclined hulls of sinking ships .
3 Reluctantly she made her way back to the house , then gave a gasp of dismay as Penry erupted from it like a rocket .
4 Anyway treating it with the respect that any fish of unknown toothy potential deserves I knelt across it like a pike and proceeded to unhook it with Rick 's help .
5 Raindrops hit the surface of the road and danced upon it like spinning coins .
6 It was on the mantelpiece , as before , and its light flowed round it like water .
7 He exploited it where he found it ; he fed off it like a predator .
8 It was as great as an army , they said , and Rime Giants walked with it like shepherds .
9 I went to the very edge and walked along it like a tightrope .
10 Beyond , the river was a polished blue and the feluccas glided across it like pink-winged swans .
11 Black lichen clung to it like rind .
12 Erm erm they just went through it like that and then he gave her instructions on how to fly it as well , how to throw it
13 Their advertising was persuasive and their prices attractive , on the surface , so I fell for it like so many others .
14 Oh she says , well I 'm sorry Mr , I never thought about it like that , you see .
15 I never really thought of it like that .
16 ‘ I never thought of it like that , ’ said the imp .
17 Of its own volition hers went into it like a homing pigeon while her mind was still saying , ‘ No way , signore . ’
18 It really should n't work , but the wretched book is so irresistible that I devoured it in a day , fighting off friends and strangers who fell on it like vultures on a carcass the moment it was cast aside with a happy sigh . ’
19 He took to it like the proverbial fish to water .
20 I produced some option plans and they took to it like a duck takes to water . ’
21 He took to it like a natural .
22 He took to it like a duck to water and from then on he 'd grill me for hours on end about the various types of plays , especially when we were watching it on TV .
23 Eva took to it like a duck to water .
24 Initially the townspeople were sceptical , but once the new water had tickled their tastebuds they took to it like the proverbial duck .
25 Back again to the fundamental question of whether or not he was idle , he worried at it like a terrier , then laid down a challenge .
26 We had just cleared a jungle overhang , and slipped beneath it like a snail under a mushroom , when we awakened an enormous colony of giant fruit bats — the " flying foxes " with a wingspan of over three feet .
27 At dawn he walked again , and coming to a boating lake he drank from it like a horse , and filled his rubber bag .
28 Then at the crest of each polished wave , the blackness broke for a moment into the dark green of very deep water , and the sun shimmered in it like light varnished over .
29 so we fussed around it like flies round shite
30 And now he was passing a second and more dilapidated pillbox and it struck him that the whole headland had the desolate look of an old battlefield , the corpses long since carted away but the air vibrating still with the gunfire of long-lost battles , while the power station loomed over it like a grandiose modern monument to the unknown dead .
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