Example sentences of "[vb past] [prep] [noun] like " in BNC.

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1 They moved in white like doctors and nurses .
2 And it was in trying for another way that the CIA let in people like Monzer al-Kassar and , without meaning to , set up the whole Lockerbie scenario .
3 All the ages of man and all the races of Islam seemed to be represented : mustachioed Arabs , dark-skinned Somalis , small South Indians in lungis , huge Delhi businessmen bulging out of their pyjamas , prodigiously bearded Afghans swathed in shawls like Old Testament prophets — all of them surging up through the Meena Bazaar towards the Jama Masjid steps .
4 And erm maybe , the text for the day could be , some of the language we used in services like that .
5 If tension was so high in an area not stricken by famine , it may be assumed that as much or more violence occurred in regions like the Ukraine and Tambov guberniia , which were nearly as badly off as the Volga .
6 It fastened on Mala like a grasping hand and snatched her into the air .
7 Being a mere woman she objected to phrases like ‘ twinkling nipples ’ .
8 First , as will be demonstrated below , he tends to underplay the severity of the violence which occurred at places like Grunwick and Hadfields during a period supposedly devoid of such conflict .
9 Acco John Moynihan , she sailed through Soho like a Queen , hailing her friends in a voice assumed for the public ear , her rude , unabashed outbursts lifting ‘ waiters off their heels as she mocked her party or destroyed an admirer with a sidelong glance ’ .
10 Dirty street children were called urchins because they rooted through rubbish like pigs .
11 Everywhere , on rock faces and in crevices , exotic flowers bloomed in profusion like weeds — mimosa , antirrhinum , hydrangeas .
12 Cameron recognized several of his workment from Aberfeldy and warmed to their comradeship — he had talked little politics with them ( in the aftermath of the big treason trials , caution had seemed advisable ) but he had passed on his newspapers and one of the men came from Lochaber like himself .
13 He noted that Marshal Malinovsky adhered to Khrushchev like a leech in Paris .
14 One of his members had a dealers license and drove to cities like Houston to buy and sell at gun fairs .
15 I believe that the world seemed to Modigliani like an enormous kindergarten run by unkind adults . ’
16 They seemed to Cassie like wasps , skimming above and below the German fighter escort , worrying them , darting from every direction at once .
17 That was a time when the proudest moment of Denis 's young life had been being brought by his mother to Fitzgerald 's Park to see his father , brave and bold and handsome in his dress uniform , standing firmly to attention with his company as His Majesty King Edward VII — who seemed to Denis like a huge teapot with his cigar puffing steam like a spout — and Queen Alexandra moved sedately among the flower displays at the Great Cork Exhibition .
18 It seemed to Marie like those ‘ executive-style ’ rooms she had seen in numerous television advertisements and soap operas : bright , spacious and open plan with acres of carpets , a jungle of lush potted plants , low leather chairs with squashy seats and coffee tables , casually strewn with expensive , up-market magazines .
19 Upstairs in his room Dorian 's body shook with fear like a leaf in the wind .
20 If anyone was to take on the role of the state police it would be the Metropolitan Police Force who have got experts and if say something happened in Manchester like an I R A bombers left some bombs in Manchester , experts from the Metropolitan Police would go to Manchester to help out , they 're what 's known as the Anti-Terrorist Squad
21 There were crazies like Vittorio Brambilla : when I asked him if he raced in conditions like this , what about his wife and kids ?
22 I was never invited to parties by the children I admired at school like Kathryn Watson who had a kilt pinned with a great silver safety pin .
23 Out in force a week or so prior to the start of the meeting , they hunted for stories like lions seeking water on a drought-ridden veldt , lingering outside the security fences and eyeing the carabinieri , who would let none through without the appropriate pass .
24 ON hearing the news , the Amnesty office resounded with words like Brilliant !
25 The courts of Charlemagne and Louis the Pious had constituted major centres of demand not only for peasant surpluses but for items of conspicuous consumption purveyed via emporia like Dorestad and Quentovic .
26 Highly nervous , he rushed into combat like a wound-up spring , diving on his foe in the impetuous manner that cost the life of many an inexperienced young aviator .
27 Mr Deng 's dash for rural freedom began in villages like one a few miles outside Chengdu , Sichuan 's capital .
28 A hypnotic orator , McKenna can be heard on the album track ‘ Re-evolution ’ , delivering bite-sized chunks of the philosophy he developed in books like Food Of The Gods and The Archaic Revival .
29 Nowadays , people all over the world unequivocally reject the idea of gulags , yet they are still willing to let themselves be hypnotised by totalitarian poesy and to march to new gulags to the tune of the same lyrical song piped by Eluard when he soared over Prague like the great archangel of the lyre , while the smoke of Kalandra 's body rose to the sky from the crematory chimney .
30 ‘ Your ancestors probably lived in holes like this , ’ said Grimma .
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