Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was Friday at Mission Dolores , when the probation officers came to met the boys on parole and Father Boyle paid the many youngsters whom he had working the church , the school and charity programmes in the parish .
2 A few other media met the conditions of technology , but simply failed to catch on with a mass audience .
3 Beyond that , the ITA was influenced by the existing configuration of franchise holders , by new applicants ' promises and broadcasting talent , by their performance at interview and the extent to which they met the conditions of regionalism and financial soundness .
4 We met the students on Sunday — had dinner with them in the Sichuan restaurant , as I said , and they turned out to be very pleasant , one girl ( whose blonde hair must strike the Chinese with amazement ) and three men , sporting their long hair in defiance of the Chinese preference for short back-and-sides .
5 A little later , he met the leaders of the Provisional IRA in Dublin and assured them that he would be delighted if he could cut it down to ten or eight years .
6 The Prime Minister , the Minister of State and I met the leaders of the four main constitutional parties in Northern Ireland on 11 February .
7 During his visit Kaifu met the leaders of the United Kingdom , France , West Germany and Poland , among others , and , as in later discussions with Jacques Delors , President of the Commission of the European Communities ( EC ) , impressed upon them his resolve to strengthen mutual trade relations .
8 Agboyibo obtained a meeting with Eyadema on March 17 , and the following day Eyadema met the leaders of all 10 groupings .
9 On Jan. 27 Goulding met the leaders of Serbian communities in Croatia , in an attempt to persuade them to accept UN peacekeepers in their areas .
10 Between Jan. 19 and 20 , Hurd met the leaders of Kazakhstan and Ukraine , to discuss the security situation , their economic needs and bilateral relations with the UK .
11 After the ceremony Sir Michael and Lady Graydon circulated amongst the guests and met the residents before partaking of an excellent buffet lunch provided by RAF Cottesmore — another example of the support given by the serving RAF .
12 When Charles returned to Austrasia in the autumn , he met the ambassadors of both Hadrian I and Desiderius at Thionville .
13 With al-Kassar 's blessing , he met the Magharians in Bern and Zurich to set up accounts for his family , each meeting taped and monitored by Coleman 's assistant Syrian George , who had been flown in from Cyprus for this purpose .
14 Will the Prime Minister take it from me that all right-thinking people would like to congratulate him on escaping unbruised from the street fighting at Maastricht , where he met the heavies of Germany and France ?
15 Just before the review began , I met the members of the Art Department to discuss their anticipations .
16 About a month after the presentation of the final report , I met the members of the Art department to discuss their retrospective feelings about the review .
17 I was not consulted about membership of the Group , and with the exception of Dr Charles Suckling , a member of the Kingman Committee , I met the members for the first time when we assembled in London for our opening working session .
18 Our aim was to determine whether our authors met the criteria for any of these forms of psychosis and , if so , to ascertain in each case which ‘ diagnosis ’ provided the best description .
19 Review of neurology department registries found 129 outpatient records ; 24 met the criteria for probable Alzheimer 's disease and 20 of these noted admission(s) to psychiatric hospital .
20 The RUC Chief Constable Sir Hugh Annesley who met the families of the murdered officers said their deaths tragically illustrated the continuing sacrifice of the RUC in the service of the community .
21 He met the descendants of Lascar seamen or other immigrants who settled into Liverpool and for the first time saw the need for justice to an immigrant community .
22 They failed to make anything like the sort of headway the following day when they met the Wallabies in the rain at Newlands .
23 When the crowds had left after the second home match , Chapman met the helpers in the stand and asked them to take him on trust , asserting that the changes were in the club 's interest .
24 That evening , they met the men at eight o'clock , all parties quite well oiled from the off .
25 The next morning , when Delia Sutherland met the men before work , she was treated to opinion and advice .
26 Anderson met the demands of an expanding workload , chronic understaffing , and excessive travelling on her inspectors by moving the women 's branch towards an approximation of the organization of the men 's branch — though always under her own control .
27 The government 's plans effectively met the demands of the African National Congress ( ANC ) and other opposition groups for a transitional constitution to be devised by a constituent assembly chosen on a representative basis .
28 The new developments of Morningside and Chelsea in the Antelope area of Sacramento clearly met the demands of today 's buyer in terms of value and quality , but other subdivisions had mixed results .
29 So they also met the specifications for aerobatic kites .
30 On Monday , the managing director , Jacques Calvet , met the unions for the first time but said there could be no discussion of pay until production was resumed .
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