Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Kennedy lacked experience in handling Congress ; he also feared that a clash with Congress on domestic issues might bring problems over foreign affairs too , an area which he always regarded as much more important .
2 One or two other workers made attempts at isolating the antibacterial substance from Penicillium during the 1930s .
3 ‘ When Scotland met Germany in Norkopping during the European Championship last summer , we had 14 corner kicks and they had two .
4 Conservative MEP , Dr Alexander Sherlock , denied that his party lacked enthusiasm for reducing lead levels .
5 There was a violent row in the Bundestag , for instance , when the SPD leader , Kurt Schuhmacher , attacked Adenauer for cosying up to the enemy by calling him ‘ the Allies ' Chancellor ’ in 1949 .
6 In 1975 the Festival of Light announced plans for creating a hostel in London to treat ‘ victims of moral pollution ’ .
7 On Nov. 3 , Havel invited federal and republican leaders to talks on the future constitution , and made proposals for implementing a five-part agreement between the Czech and Slovak parliaments on a common state .
8 In 1976 , the new NHS Planning System was introduced and , at the same time , but developed quite independently , the report of the Resource Allocation Working Party ( DHSS , 1976 ) , ‘ The RAWP Report ’ , made proposals for improving geographical equity both between regions and within regions .
9 Finally , he shouted to all dealers : " Ring all the clients that made money by coming into Helene of London on your advice .
10 UN and Iraqi representatives meeting in Vienna on June 19-22 made progress on unblocking US$1,600 million of oil exports [ see also pp. 38742 ; 38788-89 ; 38838 ] , but ended talks without agreement on administering the proceeds — to pay for imports of essential food and medicines but also for 1,100 UN personnel in Iraq and for part of the cost of the UN special commission on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction .
11 Hull [ 1987 ] has investigated a computational theory of reading and made progress towards defining an algorithmic realisation of this theory .
12 During the year , the Group made progress towards achieving its commitment to become an industry leader in its awareness of an approach to environmental issues .
13 He concluded that he shared responsibility for hiring Sutton .
14 Palmerston , with the longest speech of the debate , started by saying that Members would not be committed by the present vote to any style , as nothing would be decided until next session , and attacked Manners for approving ‘ the erection of so frightful a building ’ , involving expenses and perhaps disappointment to the architect without consulting the House .
15 Lastly , in the project for a prison institution that was then developing , punishment was seen as a technique for the coercion of individuals ; it operated methods of training the body — not signs — by the traces it leaves , in the form of habits , in behaviour ; and it presupposed the setting up of a specific power for the administration of the penalty ( ibid. , p. 130–1 ) .
16 Then clever lawyers devised methods of taking security over personal property , and the courts followed .
17 Since the politician is blamed for what is not his fault , he could n't survive unless he devised methods of blaming other people for what is his fault .
18 He simply got pleasure from making such calls .
19 Shamir attacked Syria for attempting to present itself as " a model of liberty and the protection of human rights including those of Jews " while in fact harbouring many terrorist organizations .
20 Holders of one of the qualifications listed below who , in addition , may be required by the centre to undertake , prior to or during the early part of the course , a centre devised programme of bridging studies .
21 In his defence of the legislation before the Association of the Medical Officers of Health in 1869 , Acton countered opposition by resorting to increased extremism .
22 ‘ How 's Tim getting on at Westminster ? ’ asked Scarlet , who distrusted talk of hating stepparents .
23 In 1949 he became professor of singing at that academy .
24 We have seen that landowners have from early times sought methods of retaining their land in the family .
25 The resonance of this fine building did not do much for the choir 's inaccurate diction , but made amends by enriching the gracious stone quality of the singing in Haydn 's Little Organ Mass and Faure 's Requiem .
26 Gary Blissett squandered the penalty in the 24th minute — Eric Nixon saving well — but he made amends by heading Brentford in front on the half-hour .
27 He learned how to format a screenplay and then studied film and , like Alan Cooke , it was frustration at getting nowhere with his screenplays that propelled Agbenugba into attempting a novel .
28 Baltic permanent representatives at the UN requested aid in inspecting military units as their requests to the Russian side had met with refusal .
29 He then requested flares for landing and then put out an SOS that they were on fire .
30 Those who found difficulty in settling at Bunce Court had to sort out their own problems .
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