Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun] [conj] say " in BNC.

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1 He made notes and said that if he had a key to the house he 'd be able to plan what was needed in a shorter time .
2 Maggie approached Godfrey and said over his shoulder , ‘ I made it by the pound cake method .
3 One day as we were going to a choral concert in Bath Abbey , we were all three walking along the Parade when my mother stopped Dana and said , pointing across the road : ‘ That 's the police station .
4 William Bellows , who was taken by Edmund Gosse to meet Hardy in June 1927 , reported Florence as saying : ‘ My husband used to write in this when sketching out the plots of his novels .
5 Makers Matchbox last night promised deliveries but said : ‘ There is no way that what is coming will meet demand . ’
6 The South Korean news agency Yonhap on Oct. 19 reported Kim as saying during the visit that he would remain in power for four to five more years .
7 On 22nd July , Major Wood came to the Wallowa to investigate the killing , and reported Joseph as saying that ‘ the valley was more sacred to him than ever before , and he would and did claim it now as recompense for the life taken . ’
8 So she , she phoned Wendy and said you know , this is ridiculous .
9 So I went across the street , phoned Peter and said , ‘ Okay , if you still want me , I 'll join . ’
10 French radio broadcasts on Jan. 6 reported Vauzelle as saying : " He [ Saddam Hussein ] is ready for concessions if there is a conference on Palestine . "
11 It is sure to have its critics exclaiming : ‘ She never mentioned so-and-so or said such-and-such . ’
12 The Cheshire 12-year-old who tried to commit suicide told psychologists after said after the incident that she was still a chatline addict .
13 She told Nick and said , ‘ Do n't let's ever quarrel like that . ’
14 He hugged Cameron and said , ‘ Mister Campsie , Mister Campsie ’ — his voice cooed on a high note , not his at all , as though he was possessed by the spirit of a woman who had nursed him once .
15 But he was resented by long memories in those who had fought a war ; by Churchill 's men for weakening the morale of the Air Force through his attacks on area bombing ; by the school of Lord Vansittart which loathed Germans and said that Nazis were typical of that race , and hated a bishop who told them never to identify the true Germany with Hitler .
16 Right , and the background to that of course is , for those of you who may not know , Bullett was I suppose a more junior person in the State Department , when he went to Europe with Woodrow Wilson in nineteen eighteen , and nineteen whenever it was for a peace conference , and Bullett was the only one of the American delegation who resigned and confronted Wilson and said , look , you 've gone back on the fourteen points , you 're not doing what you said you would do .
17 A single tear fell on it before he regained control and said with quiet pride , ‘ The traitor escaped our justice , but our refuge remained a secret . ’
18 In response to Australian concerns about human rights , Zhu acknowledged differences but said that China wanted to exchange views .
19 But as he shook hands and said goodbye he knew that he left no comfort behind him .
20 ( d ) That very late on 6 January 1987 the defendant telephoned Zaidie and said that Paulette was with him .
21 Pearce expressed surprise and said that this was the first he had heard of it .
22 Well then about a month later he said he rung June and said I 've been speaking to Geoff he said and th they wan na hi er hire a car for a week .
23 He 'd flick them out with an old hickory shafted wedge and say , ‘ Keep going , son . ’
24 Then he had some caviar and rang Italy and said , ‘ Sophia , this play I sent that Marlon 's going to do , he only wants to do it with you .
25 At the hospital , the doctor examined Joan and said , ‘ You look fine ’ ; the verdict on Branson was less optimistic .
26 He stayed silent , quite obstinately , and she switched tone and said , ‘ This is a trip about cheering up , is n't it ?
27 I rang Michael and said I 'd like to go over and persuade him , and drove to his cottage and talked at length about how I saw it and why I really wanted his sort of ability and personality .
28 I rang Tony and said , ‘ You really ca n't be serious about not wanting to record this song . ’
29 Next day we found a good army doctor who examined Rachel and said with care she would soon be well , the M & B had done its work , and then to add to our trouble you all went down with scarlet fever — caught on the boat I expect .
30 ‘ Another man-witch , who was sentenced to the galleys for life , said that he had such a pity for the horses which the postillion galloped along the road that he did something to prevent it , which was that he took vervain and said over it the Pater Noster five times and the Ave Maria five times , and then put it on the road so that the horses should cease to run . ’
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