Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] she [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The TV commentator was excitedly describing the drama , but although she strained to hear she could not pick out the name of the victim .
2 In fact she 'd forgotten she 'd put it there .
3 ‘ By then I think she 'd decided she might as well continue .
4 Maggie scrounged what food she could , and when Sarah dipped a crust of bread in the cabbage soup she 'd made she could see the cracks in the bottom of the dish through the thin liquid .
5 I finally spotted a young man and a girl dressed as she 'd said she would be in shalwar kameez , a short tunic over long trousers , the traditional Muslim attire ; a cool white scarf around her head and a long coat , and luckily it was Yasmin .
6 It was only hours since he 'd said she could stay .
7 She 'd promised she would as soon as she arrived .
8 I 'd read the various bits and pieces a couple of times now , looking for something deep and mysterious in it all but not finding anything ; I 'd even done a little research of my own , and discovered through mum that dad had some more of Rory 's papers in his study ; she 'd promised she 'd try and look them out for me .
9 She 'd thought she could cope with her fears .
10 For he 'd known she would n't go , that he was perfectly safe , that she was not the type to impose herself where she knew she was n't wanted .
11 She panicked immediately , as we 'd known she would .
12 As they hurried away he saw Suzi look back over her shoulder , as he 'd known she would .
13 It was as though he 'd known she 'd appear at precisely that moment with precisely that eager expression on her face .
14 If she 'd known she 'd never have gone . ’
15 She 'd sworn she 'd never do it again .
16 She 'd sworn she 'd never spend another moment in Nicolo 's company and now here she was , about to endure who knew how many hours of it .
17 Outside the doorway , she paused , took a deep breath , and made the sort of entrance she 'd sworn she 'd never make again , her stride long and sensual , her head back so that her hair moved against her bare shoulders , her mouth curved into a soft , sexy smile .
18 Finally , he seemed to decide she would n't risk disappearing into Port-au-Prince , and nodded reluctantly .
19 Leonora dreamed of the fierce rapture they 'd shared on the island and began to long for Penry to want her violently , to stop treating her like a younger sister , and sometimes after he 'd gone she 'd stare in the mirror in discontent , wishing she were tall , or voluptuous , or blonde .
20 actually married and said she was n't looking forward to going , but I 'd imagined she would enjoy it when she got there
21 I 'd hoped she 'd just pick me up and we 'd be on our way , but Ash had n't seen Aunt Ilsa for a long time and insisted on exchanging more than just pleasantries with her and Mr G.
22 Where was the rational scientist she 'd hoped she 'd be working under this last year ?
23 He seemed to think she would be capable on a boat .
24 He seemed to think she should simply take him at his word .
25 Lou seemed to think she 'd have dolled herself up a bit before he came .
26 They could only lead down a particularly humiliating blind alley she 'd vowed she 'd avoid at all costs …
27 Although the subject was something not discussed , almost everyone in the road had at one time or another been confided in and had helped Mrs Browning as far as they could , although she seemed to feel she should not worry any particular neighbour too much so went from one to another , as it were in turn .
28 By the time they 'd exchanged passionate views on every subject under the sun , from politics to gardening , the supernatural to the world population explosion , she began to suspect she might be coming late to that teenage affliction , blind infatuation .
29 ‘ I thought you might like it , ’ he commented , and Fabia had to give her special attention to catkins , and to where lilac was about to break out of bud , because as her heart began to race she could n't help but think that Ven had intended to bring her with him to Petřín , even as he 'd casually tossed that invitation at her .
30 I began to think she would be worthy in time of being my mistress , which till now I had been a little scrupulous about .
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