Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] it [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 It was a post for which he was singularly unsuited and from which he removed himself or was gently pushed in September 1939 , but , though he failed to hit it off with the central committee , he did bring to the organisation the stamp of institutional legitimacy .
2 He kept pulling on the stick , then swung away and made to carry it off .
3 The 39-nation Conference on Disarmament meeting in Geneva on Sept. 3 adopted a draft treaty banning the use , production or stock-piling of chemical weapons , and agreed to pass it on for approval by the UN General Assembly .
4 Members agreed to pass it on to Durham County Council .
5 I suppose it is out of the question that one of our own police stations might have received such a notification , and failed to pass it on ? ’
6 We chanced to find it out . ’
7 But faced with the sound of the word , and asked to write it down , the possibilities multiply so that instead of half a dozen there are now somewhere round one hundred and fifty variants possible .
8 Four times people at higher levels tried to kill it off , and four times the people working on it came back and fought for it , argued for it , provided justification and evidence for why it should continue : ‘ Just give us a little more time ; we know we can make it work . ’
9 He blustered and turned scarlet as if caught out in a crime , and tried to bluff it out , but I knew him too well .
10 Nell Anderson stopped , treading water as she tried to work it out .
11 We tried to work it out .
12 Rincewind tried to work it out , and decided that even if the box were crammed with star opals and sticks of auricholatum the contents would not be worth one-tenth the price of the container .
13 so those houses were all sandbagged , but it , it got into some , the problem was that the , the road closed sign kept blowing down in the wind , I tried to stand it up but it was oh so heavy , I got it up , but it , it immediately blew down again , and
14 Huw felt an unaccustomed tremor of fear , and tried to shake it off .
15 She tried to shake it off .
16 Finding she could n't push the pram up the slope , she thought for a few seconds and then tried to pull it up .
17 tried to pull it out , it wo n't come out , there 's a bracket on it , on the back
18 Being of only flimsy material and fitting tightly round Angela 's body , it had burst in two places when she fell , and when Mummy tried to pull it off , it tore again .
19 With a strangled gasp of fury she tried to pull it off , but he held both her hands , preventing her .
20 He tried to pass it off .
21 Mrs Hollins tutted fussily and Keith bent to pick it up .
22 King Edward bent to pick it up amid suggestive laughter , declaring ‘ shame on him who thinks evil of it ’ , and prophesying that he would make it the most sought-after badge of honour in Britain .
23 He began to walk down to the windows and saw an envelope on the floor and when he bent to pick it up , the floor creaked and gave way . ’
24 He grunted , dropped a spoon and bent to pick it up .
25 The men laid the stretcher beside the body , and bent to pick it up .
26 She bent to pick it up , but his voice arrested her .
27 Her foot nudged the discarded arrow and , unthinkingly , she bent to pick it up .
28 Jinny tried to track it down , but it eluded her .
29 Fortunately the aircraft maintained a perfect climbing attitude while I tried to sort it out , I reached for the elevator trim wheel ; one glance told me it was in the normal position .
30 I tried to clean it out with a trolley .
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