Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [adv prt] into " in BNC.

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1 During the seven and a half months I was on C1 I went to Crown Court twice , and each time I got remanded back into Holloway .
2 Mrs Reynolds was in the doorway , almost ready herself to go to the wedding — she never missed a wedding or a funeral — but seeing the procession that approached withdrew back into the shadows of the room to observe better the old cockerel go by followed by his dismayed pullets .
3 Instead of carrying on and making the downwind landing without incident , he flew on to give himself room to land and then tried to turn around into wind for the landing .
4 Ever a Walter Mitty character , he tried to get back into the CIA fold , but after the North fiasco they did not want to know him .
5 They more or less called him a fool when he tried to change back into whatever it was our current whatever it was and if that 's the case erm Hungar Hungarians are holding on to this two thousand pound , it 's surety is n't it ?
6 Her memory stirred along with her body , and everything came tumbling back into her mind with an overwhelming rush .
7 He was climbing on the barrier so he came to go back into the room to tell you what he was doing when Dale fell . ’
8 A pasty white blob seemed to float out into the darkness , and then the laser brilliance of a pencil flash in the hand below it .
9 She 'd moved over into the makeup chair and had been studying her own face in the mirror .
10 After her death , he 'd moved out into one of the back rooms , and Aunt Ruth — although she supposed she 'd have to stop thinking of her in that way — had taken the other .
11 She came stumbling back into the dining car followed by a commotion of people yelling behind her .
12 She 'd grown up into a beautiful fair girl , and every lad in the county had his eye on her , as Billy knew from all the women 's gossip .
13 As he rang off after this unexpected statement , Jenna felt again the old familiar tightening around her heart , the trapped feeling , and the memory of Alain 's arms came surging back into her mind .
14 When responsible citizens or policemen came rushing out into the road to grab at it and avert a disaster , Uncle Titch would leap up from behind his seat and pretend they just had n't noticed him .
15 Because the fingers within her own warm hands ceased to flutter agitatedly , a brief smile flickering over the other girl 's pale face as she seemed to drift off into a more comfortable , easy sleep .
16 Then suddenly he seemed to sag back into his seat , his hand reaching slowly for the pen I was still holding out to him .
17 Every bird in the wood seemed to fly up into the air .
18 Shelley too leaped to his feet , shrieking , and knocked his chair over , so that Mary came running back into the room .
19 They seemed to stretch back into the hillside as if they might , at some stage , cease to become manmade buildings of stone and wood and brick and become ancient caves ; tunnels that would penetrate deep into the earth 's core .
20 It was as if she was all alone — a tiny speck on the ocean , surrounded by a galaxy that seemed to stretch out into infinity .
21 Reality had become nightmare for them and they 'd opted out into a world where meals came , drugs were given , and all the doors were locked except for the bathroom .
22 She 'd gone on into a book-lined room which appeared to be in use as an office , and she was placing the shotgun along with two others in a locking steel cabinet .
23 When they 'd gone through into the lecture hall , I noticed the professor staring after them with a very odd look on his face — a stunned , frozen look .
24 The floorboards had n't snapped , as I 'd originally thought : they 'd gone down into the dock with Harry .
25 I 'd 've been quicker if I 'd gone down into Brentwood , picked up the M twenty five and gone on the A one M
26 She 'd gone back into the house to fetch something and his Dad was all ready in the car waiting to drive Uncle Walter back to his house .
27 He 'd gone back into the hotel , trying to act casually , and had hovered in reception looking at the magazines in the hardcovers , watching the man explaining to the people in the hut and coming back inside , which confirmed Cormack 's suspicions .
28 It 's as if you 'd gone out into the bigger world and found out that it 's frightening or that it hurts , so you go home .
29 The cynicism seemed to flood back into his eyes .
30 Bewildered , she felt as if she 'd stepped back into a dark cave and was falling into the unknown .
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