Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 But the Bainbridges always go into the Army , ’ but he had forgiven her , eventually , when she promised to try to take her leave when he took his .
2 ‘ Let's have a look at it , in case it 's one of the things Great-Granny does n't eat.n He tried to force open her fingers .
3 When she heard my name given out , she was certain that against all the odds it was the boy she had played with — and tried to make understand her frantic sign language and European gibberish — more than 40 years earlier .
4 Taylor and Smith , 42 , of Dousland , Devon , both admitted conspiring to murder her husband .
5 It was only when she reached the bedroom that Shannon realised she 'd forgotten to take her coffee with her .
6 She was only half alive , an empty shell who 'd sought to hide her deficiencies by becoming a part of a team , but it had n't worked .
7 She 'd got to paddle her own canoe , as she always had done .
8 But she 'd got to have her family backing , I mean er , in fact she 'd got to really be middle class , at least ,
9 It had been bought by a middle-aged nursing Sister who 'd had to sell her car to raise the deposit on the place .
10 She 'd had to save her life , and their baby .
11 And when told it was Victoria after the Queen and that the Queen was a wonderful lady , and her Prince was wonderful , too , she 'd had to bite her tongue to prevent herself from saying , ‘ Aye , she 's a wonderful lady all right , she 's still for bairns your size working twelve hours a day .
12 The short black dress had ridden up and she 'd reached to wind her arms round his neck , and as his hands moved exploratively down they encountered silky bare thighs , and the lacy , high-cut material of her brief black panties .
13 Clambering to her feet , she forgot her stiff legs , and in the next instant had stumbled , as they 'd refused to obey her brain .
14 " She 'd gone to see her parents in Hilderbridge and I was with mine in Jackley . "
15 She 'd gone to visit her parents in Chalatenango and nine armed men in a jeep just drove up and shot her right in front of her parents .
16 The telephone had rung just as she 'd finished washing her hair , so it had dried all wild and was now held back with an orange-and-shocking-pink striped scarf , off which Ethel had chewed one of the corners .
17 That frozen feeling seemed to have reached her heart , turning it cold and heavy like a stone .
18 Mrs Roggson , by contrast , although a widow of only sixty , seemed to have lost her energy for life .
19 Without the guidance of the nuns , Tilda seemed to have lost her last vestige of moral sense .
20 In all truth , she seemed to have lost her appetite .
21 He seemed to have become her creature , though she was the one on a drug supposed to make her passive .
22 Marriage to a Frenchman seemed to have erased her Spanish origins completely .
23 She seemed to have learnt her lines by heart .
24 Finishing her coffee , she collected some leaflets from the hall table , and , with the intention of taking them up to her room to read , returned to the lounge to say goodnight — a plan instantly foiled by Feargal 's mother , who seemed to have shed her vagueness , along with her daughter , who had disappeared , and patted the seat beside her in silent invitation .
25 She could feel heat searing her cheeks , and a strange trembling seemed to have seized her hands , making her fumble with the ties at the neck of the garment .
26 He had been somewhat apprehensive about the encounter in view of the way their last meeting had ended , but fortunately she seemed to have put her irritation behind her .
27 A horrible weakness seemed to have invaded her limbs and it took a supreme effort to drag her attention back to the conversation .
28 She seemed to have found her voice at last .
29 Merrill stared at his back , but he seemed to have forgotten her presence .
30 He made no attempt to present her to the other man , however , apparently so deep in thought that he seemed to have forgotten her very existence .
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