Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus the daughter of one mother who drank asked to go to live with her grandmother , in her well-ordered ‘ nice ’ home : ‘ but they would n't let me go .
2 We long ago ceased to enjoy hanging as a public spectacle .
3 In a radio address on 24 May , for example , he announced three major categories of reform , which he expected to see accomplished before the end of the year : reform of the civil service ; nationalization of the coal , electricity , and banking industries ; and a plan to boost France 's birthrate .
4 Chevron 's swift counter-attack came a day after Pennzoil announced it had spent $2.1 billion to build up a nine per cent share stake in Chevron and said it planned to continue investing in the oil giant as a passive shareholder .
5 When the Quoc Dan Dang was formed two years ago we joined secretly and agreed to continue spying on Devraux .
6 Mr Ball gave details of the development of ECTA , and agreed to continue to look after Institute interests and to try to obtain uniformity .
7 Arrest warrants were issued for two former Central Bank officials implicated in the scandal after they failed to appear to testify before the Senate .
8 Releasing on Nov. 15 its budget figures for 1991 , the government stated that it planned to increase spending by 22 per cent to the equivalent of US$499,000,000 and would face a fiscal deficit of $150,000,000 , only $91,000,000 of which could be expected to be covered by future loans .
9 The design used got started in 1988 and took five years to get a full multi-processor in such a small package .
10 His phenomenally successful reign , in the wake of his outstanding achievements as a player , meant this great club Bill Shankley created became known as Kenny 's kingdom .
11 He stopped eating to grin at me .
12 A chartered surveyor , he talked himself into the chairmanship of the Conservative backbench environment committee and in 1987 he tried to curb gazumping by a system of forfeits .
13 MITI helped to promote streamlining in the parts industries over the years 1956 to 1966 , aimed at modernization and rationalization of the number of suppliers .
14 The experimental apparatus they used has come to be called a Skinner box .
15 ‘ I worry as well — what if they stopped wanting to work with me ? ’
16 Spike walked on top of the ants whilst Bernice tried to avoid stepping on them .
17 Delaney tried to avoid looking at Doctor Nell Anderson as he went forward to the flight deck .
18 Angelica tried to avoid looking at it , but like the village children who gathered on the bank she found herself almost fascinated .
19 The poet 's wife turned away her head and tried to grow absorbed in their child .
20 Only about 70% of households approached agreed to participate in the Family Expenditure Survey .
21 In an apparent effort to improve relations with the United States , the government of North Korea on June 24 returned the remains of 11 US servicemen killed in the 1950-53 Korean War , and promised to help search for a further 9,000 allied military personnel still officially listed as missing in action [ see also p. 37456 ] .
22 Is n't she the one you tried to persuade to come to our art class ? ’
23 They proposed getting rid of the philistines found along Wardour Street , London 's Film Row , wiping out the middle-class personnel who had been creeping into the director 's chair , or introducing a bunch of amateurs into the business .
24 Lee felt jealous , lumpy , and tried to let go of the feeling as she arranged the flowers in the kitchen .
25 Sophie tried to read meaning into the noise .
26 The principal social worker involved having returned from leave , on 22 January 1992 the local authority informed all the parties by telephone that they no longer intended to oppose the father 's application .
27 Annabel was determined to get a grip on herself and do as Scott advised : remember 1965 as the year she stopped having to go to auditions and 1966 as the year in which she blossomed into a successful young New York hostess as she met Andy Warhol , Lenny Bernstein , Baby Jane Holzer , and all the other gossip-columnist fodder .
28 Ideologically sound sisters moved to hard-to-let housing in depressed urban centres and sold their properties to hotels and banks .
29 In later years , when explaining how he got to Cape Town , John always mentioned having appeared in one or two small parts when the ballet from the Cape came to Johannesburg .
30 At the government-controlled newspaper Izvestia , the staff threatened to go on strike when their editor , who is a Kravchenko-like conservative , tried to get rid of his liberal deputy by giving him a cushy job as Madrid correspondent .
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