Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [noun] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The PDVSA had announced in early December 1990 that it planned to invest $25,000 million between 1991 and 1996 in what would be its biggest development programme in order to raise oil production from just over 2,000,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) to 3,500,000 bpd by 1995 .
2 Under the letter of intent , StorageTek agreed to issue 1.3m new shares Amperif shareholders and will set aside about 600,000 shares for warrants and employee stock options , valuing the company at $75.3m at the time of the announcement — but that valuation quickly improved to $83.6m as Storage shares shot up $4.375 to $44 even in after-hours trading on the news , and hovered round there on Friday .
3 The motor industry bucked the trend with figures showing that the halving of car tax in the Budget failed to stimulate sales last month .
4 They agreed to support policies most of them knew to be damaging , misguided and inhuman .
5 Jonsson , the 1990 world champion , who failed to agree terms last season , was lured back after Todd Wiltshire injured his back .
6 A HARD-UP health authority yesterday admitted wasting £2 million on hiring American research consultants … to save money .
7 On May 29 Bérégovoy announced measures to cut a further F17,000 million of expenditure in 1991 and on June 12 the Council of Ministers agreed to increase employee social security contributions by 0.9 per centage points in order to reduce a F25,000 million deficit in the health service budget .
8 However , he sought to establish University Extra-Mural Groups or Societies rather than use the County Federation of WEA branches in the promotion of extension classes through gaining support of Women 's Institutes and other voluntary organisations .
9 In June the World Bank agreed to provide dollars 84,000,000 to back further agricultural reforms , to be allocated in two equal tranches , and in July the bank granted a dollars 130,000,000 loan to support the restructuring of three major state companies in the phosphate , chemicals and railways sectors .
10 Germany agreed to provide DM 2.1 million to finance the return of the waste .
11 So were the robbers — they expected to find £2 million .
12 I tried using C some years ago without much success .
13 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
14 Cos at Peterborough Football Club beat beat Liverpool last night .
15 On Oct. 26 Stavenhagen was further criticized when a cargo shipment to Israel , which had been declared as farm machinery , was seized in Hamburg and found to contain east German weapons and military equipment .
16 Although the Dwarfs often tried to recapture Karak Eight Peaks they did not succeed until about the Imperial year 2470 , when Belegar established a fortified bridgehead in the old citadel .
17 Louis and Charles proposed to split Francia proper into three , giving Lothar all the lands between the Meuse and the Rhine .
18 At the end of the evidence , after the appellant had left the witness box , Mr. Leonard , who appeared for the appellant in the court below and before this court , moved to quash counts 1 and 6 of the indictment .
19 She took a bus into the shopping centre , stopped to buy Bridget some flowers , and got another bus to Woodstock Road .
20 It also proposed granting $200 million to school districts already operating a voucher system allowing parents to choose between schools , and $30 million to those districts intending to establish such a system .
21 Although I tried to persuade Cathy that Heathcliff could not be telling the truth , my young mistress was very upset , and determined to discover how Linton was .
22 The bitterness he was feeling twisted his mouth , and Kate tried to put things right .
23 With Lucinda Green 's enthusiasm , the 12 of us involved raised £80,000 this year , and ended up taking over 40 tonnes of supplies , with a tremendous amount of support from the ‘ horsy fraternity ’ .
24 If only I could have gone out there and helped to put matters right .
25 Except for a few people in each country who tried to keep protest alive , everyone else shares responsibility .
26 All eight were rescued unharmed on Tuesday morning after an operation in which Mr Friend 's experience as rescue team captain helped to keep morale high .
27 Gay clergy helped to keep congregations alive in areas where class snobbery and racism had alienated much of the population from the Church of England , and where many other ministers refused to work .
28 In the Select Committee , the hon. Member for Teignbridge ( Mr. Nicholls ) , who is not in the Chamber now , moved to amend paragraph 88 of the report .
29 He tried to get Nellie interested in all the arrangements .
30 HARD TIME : Lysette found tortured Woody tough to work for
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