Example sentences of "[vb past] [verb] [pron] who " in BNC.

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1 I promptly eased it back onto the lap and desperately tried to imitate someone who has been asleep for hours , with his arm wrapped fiercely round his dog .
2 I tried to remind myself who I am and how I play tennis . ’
3 She tried to remind him who Berg was but he cut across her saying he wanted her key so he could go and move his belongings out .
4 ‘ We came to meet someone who has n't turned up .
5 She 'd mentioned someone who would help me , but I saw only Shadwell ahead of me .
6 Most working men claimed to know someone who had once been given a trial or had been ‘ on the books ’ of a club for a spell .
7 Police hunting the killer of seven-year-old , Nikki Allen , in Sunderland , want to question a mystery woman caller who claimed to know someone who 'd committed a murder .
8 If I were to approach my sixth criterion I needed to find someone who knew their way round an oscilloscope , and it was n't until the mid-1980s that a bright , if somewhat cranky , scuba-diving enthusiast arrived on campus to do a PhD .
9 I felt threatened by him because I used to play up front , so I decided to show him who was boss .
10 He saw two of the women under the mini being tended to , so went to help one who was screaming out loudly obviously in a lot of pain .
11 The local Evening Institute , at a reasonable price , offered to teach anyone who asked , touch typing .
12 However it did enable anyone who was in fact a trader , but the law did not recognize as such , to achieve something resembling the benefit of bankruptcy .
13 However , what I can do is try to present to you some of the points of view we tried to draw together in that group because we did have someone who is a proprietor of a private home ; we had people from health ; we had people from social work ; we had people from housing ; we had people from different interest groups who approached the issue in different ways .
14 He liked to tell anyone who would listen where he was going and what he was doing , and so my mother found his silences ominously strange .
15 It had incorporated everyone who could proclaim that the emperor was naked .
16 Then she telephoned Eliot at home and after that was about to leave when Shildon came , apologetic and saying he had met somebody who had delayed him .
17 After his election Gallacher applied for the Labour Party whip which , as he was not a Party member and had defeated someone who was , could " not be granted .
18 R said that he did not really know F beforehand but had seen him and his brothers once before when someone had told him who F was .
19 She knew they had had a visitor last night , but no one had told her who it was or why they 'd come .
20 Now the capable Mrs Brocklebank had become someone who had a conscience and a guilty secret .
21 Even Nick had become someone who could never be hurt — to be treated as a child treats a parent , with love but without consideration .
22 If I had known someone who looked similar to me , we could have walked down the street together , wearing similar clothes or something ; we 'd be holding each other 's hands in a sense , it would have been easier .
23 The police had found somebody who had seen me on my island at the time of the murder , and so the judge let me go free .
24 If someone had asked him who she voted for , what the names of her women friends were , what she liked in life , he could n't have answered .
25 This research indicated that I should be able to obtain my tank , complete with cover glasses , for , though I might have manages even cheaper if I had asked someone who was a good customer of the tank-builder to order it in his own name rather than mine .
26 As a single woman officer the crunch would come if she wished to marry someone who was not also an officer .
27 It was an impressive political statement that the electors had elected someone who had the right to be emperor .
28 She entirely neglected to inform me that Robbie was a girl — just as she evidently neglected to tell you who I was . ’
29 I wanted to pick someone who saw herself as part of the community and yet stood up for her rights .
30 We could n't talk because I believe he badly wanted to telephone someone who had just returned from China , so it was just a handshake really .
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