Example sentences of "[coord] whether he is " in BNC.

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1 Shall he doubt whether he is awake , whether he is being pinched , or whether he is being burned ?
2 If selling to a receiver you must be sure to establish whether the receiver is purchasing in his own name and assuming personal liability or whether he is purchasing on behalf of the receivership .
3 It is quite true , as the plaintiffs submit , that provided the person making the valuation is competent to value , it matters not who instructed him to produce the valuation or whether he is an employee of the building society or not .
4 Modern historians are quite uncertain whether an individual of that name existed here and carried out the exploits attributed to him ; or whether he is a representative figure around whom have accreted the age-old memories of a people 's struggles to maintain inherited liberties in the face of alien subjection .
5 However , it must be stressed that it is a question of fact in each individual transaction , and the question one has to ask objectively in every single situation is whether the purchaser is merely selecting specific assets for the use in his own business or whether he is buying assets in order that he can carry on the business in succession to and in place of the vendor .
6 The appropriate strategy is perhaps to wait to determine whether the Japanese businessman is prepared to offer his hand for a handshake or whether he is going to bow .
7 These black-figure works are by a pupil of Exekias ; but whether he is identical with the Andokides Painter or a regular colleague ( the Lysippides Painter , after a youth whose beauty he praises ) is disputed .
8 But unlike the Public Order Act 1936 , section 5 , the test here is not whether or not the victim is likely to be provoked into responding violently , but whether he is likely to experience alarm , distress or harassment as a result of what is being done and said .
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