Example sentences of "[coord] those who [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Only then do you understand the heartache of women whose pregnancies end in disaster or those who ca n't have the baby they want .
2 Only then do you understand the heartache of women whose pregnancies end in disaster or those who ca n't have the baby they want .
3 Children who are too young to understand explanations of their situation , or those who may suffer from learning difficulties understandably come into this category .
4 These skills will also lead nurses into better communications with their multidisciplinary colleagues with whom they work closely or those who may visit the clinical setting in the course of their work , such as technical staff .
5 They do not care about the people in the industry or those who may serve .
6 This is part of the ideological pedagogy which the institution uses to create and maintain defensive boundaries against the outsider or those who might produce a critical analysis of its systems ; it is one major strength of the organization .
7 You will send all your senior managers for the entire week of the event , and dole out shorter visits to deserving underlings , either those with long service records or those who might be able to learn something to the company 's advantage .
8 The vision of the future country mixed the aim of liberating the new State ( and those who would direct it ) with the emancipation of the inhabitants of the country : an end to exploitation , hunger and hardship .
9 Members of the Youth Conference gave a lively drama impression of ‘ Camp Vincent ! ’ which is for young members of the society , and those who would like to be in the society , to come together to share views , aspirations , experiences of working in the society , and enjoy fellowship together .
10 On the religious question it was divided between those who wished to abolish episcopacy and the Book of Common Prayer and those who would have been content to limit the powers of bishops .
11 The early retirers in the After Redundancy study were split evenly between those who wanted to retire and those who would have preferred to work on .
12 and those who would n't were n't interested
13 We are going to lift this nation out of hard times inch by inch and day by day , and those who would stop us had best step aside .
14 Aquino 's choice was criticized in some quarters for threatening the possibility of splitting her support — between those who would remain loyal to the LDP and those who would support Ramos — and thereby allowing an opposition candidate to win .
15 The fourteen men included two Etonians , and those who might be described as having a business background were outnumbered by bankers and professionals .
16 With some branches this is by word of mouth , with others personal letters by the secretary to members and those who might be interested .
17 Because of the early efforts to contain and isolate mentally handicapped people and because of the lack of distinction between the mentally handicapped and those who may be mentally ill , possibly dangerously so , considerable fears have spread through society about people who live in asylums and ‘ loony bins ’ .
18 In developed countries vitamin A may also have a role in those with life threatening infections such as measles and those who may have a relative deficiency , such as premature infants .
19 This means that there is financial discrimination operating between those clients who use a law centre and those who may go to a solicitor with the same problem and who will then have to pay fees or a contribution towards the cost under the Legal Aid or Legal Advice schemes .
20 ‘ The designer has to allow for both those who 'll do no more than flick through and those who 'll go through it line-by-line .
21 I greeted him with the age-old aphorism : ‘ Those who can , do ; those who ca n't , teach ; and those who ca n't teach become administrators — in your case I know whether that is true ’ .
22 Another objection is that jobs will be lost and certainly that would be a serious objection but it 's a speechless one , of course , people who can afford it will still ride and will still employ the same people who are now hunt servants er to look after their horses and themselves and those who ca n't afford horses will continue no doubt to enjoy the spectacle er , that argument does n't hold water and the other objection of course er is that er it would mean the hounds were killed , but since I understand er hunting people kill their hounds anyway when they get too old to keep up , er I think er we can dismiss that argument and leave it to them er to see that the hounds are decently dealt with .
23 140 civilians work at the base and those who ca n't be transferred to other defence jobs will be made redundant .
24 But those who can , do , and those who ca n't , carp .
25 It encouraged them to form good personal relationships with them instead of seeing children in the mass , differentiated only into those who can and those who wo n't .
26 The Independent Schools Information Service , which advises parents about private education , believes there 's a distinction between parents who ca n't pay and those who wo n't pay .
27 They are defeated , and those who can , turn to flight .
28 However , these are only within the reach of the better-off and those who can win a scholarship or bursary .
29 Consumers who can manage credit should be able to get it , and those who can not should not .
30 The Code provides additional safeguards for juveniles , mentally handicapped persons , the deaf and those who can not speak or understand English .
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