Example sentences of "[coord] those which [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 More than one part can be entered into that working drawing in order to display the interaction of assembled parts or those which may have a tendency to clash .
2 They were to make perambulations , distinguishing between those districts which ought to remain in the forest , and those which ought to be put out .
3 Following the on-site inspection , the findings are analysed and the Surveyor prepares his written report , giving the purchaser a clear picture of the property 's condition and information of the important defects which will need immediate attention and those which may be required in the medium to long term .
4 The actual title of the course matters a lot less than the content , but a word of caution is necessary here to help you differentiate between programmes designed to prepare you for re-entry to the profession , and those which may be open to nurses currently practising , namely ‘ refresher courses ’ .
5 These include hazards which may cause injury like poor lifting techniques or wet floors , and those which may cause infection for example infected materials such as blood or faeces , soiled linen , used needles or knife blades .
6 Disciplines have to be undertaken to take special care with potentially flammable items and those which may be chemically/physically unstable when moved from store .
7 Prepare agendas for the meetings which set out the ground rules , issues to be covered and those which may not be discussed ( i.e. whether to talk price ) .
8 Can I can I say that I after coffee I 'd like to go through each of these criteria and try to distinguish those which are relevant at structure plan level and those which may be more applicable down at the district local plan level .
9 One way around this particular problem would be to adapt the approach recommended by the Canadian Sentencing Commission ( 1997 ) , in which guide-lines are used in the first instance simply to indicate offences for which the presumptive sentence would ( or would normally ) involve a community sanction , and those which would ( or would normally ) involve a custodial penalty .
10 Kin sets have been simulated for a number of demographic regimes , including several in English history and those which would come about in China as that country approached a one child per family fertility level .
11 There seems to be fine line between breaches of rules which would be covered by section 109(2) and those which would not .
12 Bearing in mind that er we 'd like to try and distinguish those which would fall within a structure plan umbrella and those which would be more applicable possibly at local plan level .
13 ( 4 ) It is hereby declared that a person shall not be entitled to rely on the defence provided by subsection ( 1 ) above by reason of his reliance on information supplied by another , unless he shows that it was reasonable in all the circumstances for him to have relied on the information , having regard in particular ( a ) to the steps which he took , and those which might reasonably have been taken , for the purpose of verifying the information ; and ( b ) to whether he had any reason to disbelieve the information .
14 The problem is that there is no satisfactory way of drawing a line between decisions of corporate managers which ought to be respected because they are based solely on the expertise of the directors and those which should be challenged as based on personal considerations or other non-corporate purposes .
15 Looking back over some lectures I gave in the early 1980s , I note that the division between the schools which could raise money and those which could not was even then causing me concern .
16 We will also see cases where we do not categorize whole organizations in this way but we separate out those functions within the organization which could be classed as Type A and those which could be classed as Type B. This can also lead to parts of public sector organizations being classified as ‘ profit-oriented ’ , a trend that has been particularly marked during the 1980s with the increasing use of Direct Service Organizations in local authorities , Hospital Trusts in the health service and Executive Agencies in the civil service .
17 Any sensitive reading of a story demands a feeling for how far one is permitted to push the significance of its details , and an awareness of those questions that can properly be asked of it , and those which can not .
18 It is useful to bear in mind the sharp distinction between those artefacts which , to use , the user needs to have to hand , and those which can be used remotely .
19 The key distinction is not between ‘ electronic ’ and ‘ non-electronic ’ artefacts ; it is between those artefacts which can be organised for use via telecommunication connection and those which can not [ Lester ( 1985 ) ] .
20 It is important to strike a balance so that the employees required by the company in the new area actually do choose to relocate and those which can be replaced easily stay behind .
21 It is obvious that for any group of companies to grow , a good balance is required between those which continually need cash injections to stay in business ( the capital-intensive type of enterprise which is typical of much of the chemical industry ) and those which can generate very high profits and throw off cash when things are going well .
22 The classical foundationalist divides our beliefs into two groups : those which need support from others and those which can support others and need no support themselves .
23 1.10 It appears that nearly all languages make at least one division in the words of their vocabulary , morphologically or syntactically , or in both ways , between those which commonly do instantiate and those which can not instantiate entities ; the former are traditionally called nouns , and there is a very high degree of intuitive agreement in cross-linguistic identification of nouns precisely because speakers of even widely different cultures are disposed to agree in what they regard as entities rather than properties .
24 There has to be a selection of content and teachers have to identify the key elements which they will focus upon and those which will receive the " broad brush " treatment .
25 But thank you all , and I wish you you the members and N C V O itself , every good fortune , and I think we 've had such a good day today , and I think Sir Leonard has shown us a really very clear way forward , and I know that the relationships which already exist , and those which will be developed can only be Thank you all very much for your support and help through those years .
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