Example sentences of "[coord] now [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Aug. 6 statement was accompanied by a photograph of United States hostage Terry Anderson , kidnapped in March 1985 and now detained for longer than any other of the Westerners captive in Lebanon .
2 KC ‘ What worried me most er at the beginning and now the treat … and now fading to a great degree , was the extraordinary presence of another absence er of another kind of speaking .
3 Fear on the inside and now fear on the outside as well .
4 Byrne plays the young ragamuffins ' father , Papa Riley , a former leader of the travellers who went to pieces when his beloved wife died in childbirth and now subsists on cheap whisky and stale fags in a rundown council flat while his boyos fend for themselves .
5 Monday dawned to a nameless figure answering questions for a non-department whose head had been defeated in the election and now reigned in a spiritual fashion from the Lords .
6 Swiftly , Obispal confronted it ; and now bolts from his hand-tooled , burnished-steel gun hammered at the alien .
7 Privately , MPs with divided views on Mr Lawson 's chosen course agreed that the Government was effectively boxed-in to its position , and now had to tough it out .
8 He was wearing the leather shoes that had been only for best until they grew too small for his feet and now had to be worn for school .
9 Chief environmental health officer Hugh O'Neill said firemen who had gone to put out fires on the site had been attacked by missile throwers , and now had to be accompanied by police .
10 Another sure to improve for being stepped up in trip is Saint Keyne , who bolted up at Haydock last time and now goes for the Queen 's Vase .
11 Amstral has recently been through a combination of management buyouts and takeovers , including the acquisition of Crab Advanced Technologies ' sales and marketing division , and now goes by the name of ABC Workstation Solutions Ltd .
12 Some fifteen years ago , it was extended and now goes around the northern tip of the peninsula before turning south for a straight run down the west coast in bleak country , featureless except for the sad ruins of abandoned crofts yet relieved by glorious views across to Skye and the islands of the Inner Sound .
13 The French sword in its decorated scabbard , found in a country sale room and now hanging above their fireplace .
14 In my study , a white mother , previously married to a full-time skilled manual worker and now living on benefits , described her changed economic circumstances like this :
15 Originally from Hull and now living near Llangollen she was previously with the Royal Exchange Theatre , Manchester and is a former Press officer for the National Musems and Galleries , Merseyside .
16 Ace had stopped running , and now walked towards the hoverspeeder very slowly , as if waiting for Defries to catch her up before she reached it .
17 and now conspiring with a senior employee of the council , and of course , .
18 Shaun Devenney played off three at the beginning of last season and now plays to one , his year 's successes including the Leinster Boys ' and the Mark Ryder Under-22 championships and the Ulster Junior Foursomes .
19 It was then adopted into the health services at community care level and now operates as a part of the services .
20 Since then , the UK holding company merged with Caradon and brought in new management , and now operates in building products , plastics , central heating equipment and security printing .
21 From there he had got into Trinity College , and now hoped for a career in the Civil Service .
22 The Construction industry Council is becoming increasingly influential and now speaks on behalf of all industry professionals .
23 But ten million people had died in a campaign that had begun as a summer frolic in 1914 and now ended in a shower of November rain .
24 Born in Czechoslovakia and now teaching in Paris , he receives a fuller introduction on the page by our literary editor , Julian Evans .
25 Zany was such a settlement , located during the construction of the Ms motorway near Taunton , and now covered by the Taunton Dean Service Station .
26 The Derwent 's energy cost savings were £3,000 in the first year and now run at more that £4,000 a year .
27 The shop , established in 1934 and now run by the founder 's grandsons , is undoubtedly one of the most important delicatessens in the country , vast in its range of goods and uncompromising in its quality .
28 Anne had convinced herself that no harm would come to John , and now moved through her days in a happy dream .
29 By rights Sue should be more adept at shop work because , after school and while waiting to go to RADA , she served in one of the hardware stores owned by her then businessman father , who became a Midlands MP and now sits in the House of Lords .
30 It has been shut down since the early 1970 's and now functions as a radar station known as RAF Portreath .
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