Example sentences of "[coord] could have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You knew , or could have guessed how I felt about my stepmother .
2 The vendor will frequently be tempted to make its disclosure as wide as possible and include all sources of information which the purchaser inspected or could have inspected during negotiations .
3 In this appeal the following issues arise , or could have arisen .
4 In the second place , it is clear that she had no idea what effect her remark would or could have had on me .
5 So she grinned vaguely in a way that could have meant yes or could have meant no .
6 If the events in each of his series did happen or could have happened , they come to us with the optimistic tone , the promise of a happy ending , which we expect of the classic adventure story .
7 Even so … there is reason to say that I saw him , even though I then neither made , nor could have made any judgement at all , either right or wrong , about who or what it was that I saw .
8 I neither would nor could have murdered him , but I do not regard him as a loss . ’
9 and could 've gone round the corner for
10 already and , and could 've filled some of that in .
11 The dark cream also sets off the bright red roses well — had I chosen a white satin , card or fabric in a similar shade it would have been too bright and could have detracted from the frame .
12 Leeds were naive in defence , provided no cover , and could have conceded a few more ( for the record though , Fairclough played very well and made some very timely interceptions ) .
13 As Smart 's editors have shown , the wide range of reference would easily be available within the compass of a few standard books , which he knew and could have obtained in the Bethnal Green asylum .
14 The visitors came back into the game with two penalty goals by Graves and could have turned ends 9–9 had he been successful with his third penalty goal on half-time .
15 And could have stopped . ’
16 He inherited wealth and could have lived a leisured life but preferred to pursue his earlier interest in natural philosophy .
17 The prosecution argues that Mr Lorenzo was in no danger and could have stepped out of harm 's way .
18 She was smiling , she knew ; oh , this was the opposite of " her look " , when she felt like this , as if she 'd drunk an extra-fine distilled essence of danger , and could have stepped out among the stars or run thirty miles .
19 I wished that I was less inhibited by my upbringing and could have done some extraordinary thing to confirm her diagnosis — danced on the table or stated that I would n't ally myself with a man with a face like a toothpaste advertisement .
20 God knows , I thought of Agnes and could have killed him .
21 When he heard of a Kaiser talking in an after-dinner speech about ‘ my friend the Sultan ’ he was astonished , and could have rent his garments .
22 It is likely that the rocks of basaltic composition have a volcanic origin , and could have flowed as basaltic lavas from any Beta Regio volcanoes .
23 ‘ This cat had everything and could have gone down any road , ’ said the Beverly Hills Cop star .
24 Peter Scudamore is on record as saying that Sabin du Loir is one of the best horses he has ever ridden , and could have gone a long way towards towards justifying that high opinion but for falling in last year 's King George at Kempton when holding a healthy lead .
25 Glenn Hoddle says he thinks his team will win because there is a determination running throughout the club and the supporters who were robbed three years ago and could have gone on for another fifty or sixty years waiting a chance like this …
26 If I had n't done that I might have been shot in the eye and could have gone blind .
27 Although minors , they had legal rights of their own , and could have engaged a solicitor , but they were never informed of these rights .
28 Some people say I was a fool and could have made a fortune .
29 Potter paddled for it and could have made it .
30 He did n't need to fulfil a specific commission and could have made do with what he already had , but he wanted something better .
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