Example sentences of "[coord] so [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 After a decade or so as a librarian , and a spell as editor of Books and Bookman in the 1960s , Smith travelled around America with a suitcase full of samples of remaindered copies , which he sold to bargain book shops .
2 Mr Motion should be pleased enough by the compliments paid to his work , but most of these appear in the last paragraph or so as a sort of afterthought when the reviewer has finished giving his own version of the poet .
3 The object is to look at the growth experience of the United Kingdom over the last 80 years or so as a whole — which strangely enough has not yet been examined .
4 Employee trusts have increased in popularity over the past decade or so as a method of providing incentives for employees .
5 Then they must find £20,000 or so for a cab .
6 At only $1 billion or so for a 50% stake , the price strikes some industry observers as a steal .
7 Another kind of formal link between sentences is the substitution of words like do or so for a word or group of words which have appeared in an earlier sentence .
8 In the early years about 50% of aircrew going through the course were National Servicemen who would only serve some three months or so on a squadron before their commitment was ended .
9 They usually play to 100,000 or so at a time , so it should be fun .
10 In others , it may be thought appropriate to arrange merely a casual introduction to the office for a couple of weeks or so at a nominal remuneration .
11 And now that I 'm home for good , at least my bookings abroad will be for just a week or so at a time , that 's all , well … we 're coming together .
12 And in the course of each evening numbers rose from a dozen or so to a hundred , and then diminished as people wandered away to supper .
13 Move forward seventy years or so to a different household in another part of France .
14 The period of authoritarian rule has given way during the last decade or so to a democratic system that is still consolidating itself .
15 Um , said Tor , but then went on to explain that only a week or two before he had been within a hundred metres or so of a school of orca .
16 Designated accessible polling stations , er will themselves have to cover fifty percent or so of a constituency initially and people will be allowed to have access to a designated station if their own station is one that has not qualified at that time , although the aim will be a hundred percent designated er polling stations with full access .
17 Echo sounding is also responsible for an erroneous impression given on chart traces , suggesting that the loch walls continue down for 1000 m or so beneath a filling of loose sediment .
18 He does n't correspond to any of the multiple fictions produced over the last hundred years or so by a long line of social reformers and slum missionaries of what the working class should be .
19 The mast combines a tapered fishing rod at the top with an aluminium tube that costs a fiver or so from a metals stockist .
20 A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry , mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar , and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven .
21 But a week or so in a holiday cottage is n't the same as becoming a permanent resident .
22 Drowsiness is first indicated by a reduction in the frequency of alpha rhythm , from about 10Hz to 8.5Hz or so In a young adult , as well as a reduction in its amplitude , and then by its disappearance .
23 These schemes , then , can be summarized under the following heads : we run residency and award schemes , we run grants to artists and craftsmen and photographers , we run an artists in school scheme , which involves placement of and artist for two weeks or so in a local secondary school , we offer payments to artists for exhibiting in certain galleries , something akin to the public lending right , we also provide assistance for the purchase and commissioning of contemporary work , and finally we run an artists ' register , which is a slide register of work of artists within the region , which is accessible to anyone who wants to come along and look at it , whether they are organizing an exhibition or thinking of commissioning a piece for their own living rooms , or perhaps a piece for their town hall or public library or whatever .
24 This has been in part because the universities have a perfectly general responsibility for disseminating among schools up-to-date advances in knowledge and theoretical changes within disciplines , but also , more specifically , through the Local Examination Boards they have been in a position to determine the syllabuses for public examinations , and so to a large extent to dictate a curriculum even for those pupils at school who may never themselves enter the door of a university .
25 To say that a given rule is valid is to recognize it as passing all the tests provided by the rule of recognition and so as a rule of the system .
26 It was important for Oreste 's sake to keep good relations and so with a good deal of lip-biting and general effort of control she finally wrote to her sister in most moderate terms expressing surprise , confessing intense distress , but apportioning no blame .
27 Water voles are very shortsighted and so with a little care they can be easily observed .
28 Eight-year-olds were beginning to acknowledge the distinction , in that when they used the causal connectives in the deductive mode they appropriately followed because with evidence and so with a conclusion .
29 Rigid solids are much harder to get hold of in tension and so for a long time such testing as was done was confined to compression and bending .
30 Several people complimented her on the beauty of the surroundings , because it was her picnic and so for a while Wales was her dining-room .
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