Example sentences of "[coord] so is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But yet , the steady increase in the divorce rate over the last fifteen years or so is not the simple consequence of attending women 's studies classes .
2 It has often provided dates where there was previously no method of dating available at all , and for many periods , accuracy to the nearest century or so is far better than produced by previous dating methods .
3 Any increase in price per person payable as a result of a part cancellation is not a Cancellation Charge and so is not covered by Norwich Union Insurance .
4 She is expecting to be met by a local member of Committee staff and so is not surprised when a young Thai dressed formally in dark trousers and white short-sleeved shirt and carrying a dark peaked cap comes up to her and says , ‘ Excuse me , you are waiting for some-one ? ’
5 DOWNING Street insists that President-elect Bill Clinton is not angry with the British Government and so is not snubbing John Major by refusing to meet him in Washington later this month .
6 The £8,000 is a past cost and so is not relevant to the decision .
7 In the case of the police car , my belief fails to track the truth in both ways , and so is not knowledge .
8 If he chooses to give way and pay , rather than obtain the decision of the court on the question whether the money is due , his payment is regarded as voluntary and so is not recoverable : see e.g. , William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King , 101 L.T. 741 .
9 ESPRIT has not yet reached a Common Position and so is not among the five ; however , it is extremely likely that its timetable will also be affected .
10 And so is not theirs to give away at all .
11 The replacement , voted against by Opposition MPs but passed because of the Government majority , does not , however , allow the penalties to be imposed against electricity suppliers which fail to promote electricity efficiency , and so is not as strong as the Lords ' amendment .
12 This is because in the first case the interest earned at the end of the first month can be reinvested in the second month ; in the second case , the whole interest does not accrue until the end of the second month and so is not available for reinvestment until then .
13 However , this is a one-dimensional spectrum with respect to the component of the wave number in the mean flow direction , and so is not in general a complete determination of the spectral characteristics or of E(k) .
14 But it is governed in some detail by statutory requirements , and so is undeniably a system of statutory regulation .
15 It 's not very common in the southern part of the British Isles and so is rarely seen .
16 But these new developments in AI should give pause to those philosophers who complain that AI can have nothing to say about bodily skills , and so is questionably relevant to human and animal forms of life .
17 The system is a heavy user of both men and machines and so is probably better suited to contractors and larger farmers .
18 This requires a V8 110 Bell housing and first motion shaft fitting to the gearbox , a major strip down , wiring changes , new chassis mounts , hoses , exhaust , etc and so is probably not worth the effort
19 Cyclobutane has four carbons in a ring , and so is square shaped .
20 This thought is directed against the Tractatus view of language , the picture theory of meaning , and so is partly expressed in the language of that theory .
21 She got a very nice reference from the surgeon she had been with and so is most grateful to me for organising it .
22 Each employee knows best what goes on in his or her job and so is best able to suggest how things could be improved . ’
23 E places it after these events , and so is here more likely to preserve the original form of the annal .
24 Smoking is out and so is too much alcohol .
25 This is clearly capable of causing eye injury and so is always penalised .
26 Information is always and only perceptible in one configuration or another , and so is always theory-driven or theory-moulded .
27 The main drawback of aluminium is that , being a metal , it readily conducts heat and so is more costly to heat in the cold winter months .
28 This is more difficult to diagnose , and so is more dangerous .
29 The author of this memoir , while an undergraduate , once borrowed fourteen books about history from Edward Wynn and , on the way to return them , inadvertently dropped them all into the River Pem — and so is better placed than anyone to testify how good a man was Edward Wynn .
30 moment and so is out of our catchment area .
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