Example sentences of "[coord] can be see " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , the techniques and tools of structured systems analysis can be incorporated into the conventional approach or can be seen as forming part of an alternative methodology for applications development .
2 It is probably not realised how English this type of gesture has become and can be seen in many English ballets .
3 Having said that , this place has been made ‘ valid through prayer ’ and can be seen as a sacrament of God 's coming to us through the demands of human life .
4 The completed portraits now hang in the Quaderia dell'Ospedale Maggiore , and can be seen on occasions , for just a few weeks every other year as a rule .
5 The mill buildings themselves tower over Tewkesbury and can be seen for many miles around .
6 Two pairs of millstones are powered by a breastshot waterwheel driven by the River Ludd , and can be seen grinding flour on Monday and Thursday afternoons in August and September and some Sundays and bank holidays .
7 The mill 's machinery is intact , and can be seen on Sunday afternoons in summer .
8 The machinery is in working order , and can be seen on Wednesday and weekend afternoons in summer , or by written appointment with the tenant .
9 The furnace is scheduled as an Ancient Monument in the care of the Department of the Environment , and can be seen at any time .
10 The mill has been restored and can be seen grinding wholemeal flour on weekdays and Sunday afternoons between Easter and October .
11 It is white with yellowy-green streaks and mottling , and can be seen in the island 's cathedral .
12 It is now occupied by an engineering company , and is not open to the public , but its most interesting feature is outside and can be seen from beside the millstream .
13 Yet though the African Social Studies Programme suffers from close comparison with its two elder brothers it has nevertheless already influenced practice and served as a forum for international exchange of ideas and can be seen as a contributory factor in the widespread change of emphasis towards study of man in his environment .
14 The tombs of the Hilton family , who were the lords of the manor , are dated 1393–1431 and can be seen in the church , where there is the Hilton chapel .
15 The symptoms are usually quite acute and can be seen with the unaided eye .
16 Equality has been a powerful theme in British politics since the turn of the century and can be seen in practice in the high marginal rates of income tax in the postwar years reaching until recently a marginal tax of 83 per cent on earned income and 98 per cent on unearned income ; the drive to abolish private education and private health ; the ‘ euthanasia of the rentier ’ through rent control ; and the provision of state welfare services financed by taxation but free of charge at the time they are used .
17 It is then that a crisis of autonomy can be most nearly identified with a crisis of identity , and can be seen in many an act of teenage rebellion .
18 Emptiness is both a cause and a result of passivity , and can be seen as its physiological epitome .
19 This stand-alone receiver is the latest addition to the ap range and can be seen for the first time at the London Boat Show .
20 This slab of syncopated stupidity is receiving the heaviest of heavy MTV rotation and can be seen to fullest advantage bookending slurred appearances by that station 's in-house West Coast wastoid , Pauly Shore .
21 The common hawker dragonfly also patrols this area looking for prey and can be seen from early June until late September .
22 Of the mountains , An Teallach is the finest and can be seen from the road at Dundonnell , and Slioch is a familiar object overlooking Loch Maree in the south , but those in the inner fastnesses are out of sight or imperfectly glimpsed .
23 It has been taken apart for restoration and can be seen next year at Hildesheim during the celebration of the thousandth anniversary of the enthronement of St Bernward as bishop .
24 The ideal model helps to differentiate the workforce ( by age , sex and colour ) according to how far different groups approximate to the model and can be seen as representing its exemplary qualities of commitment and reliability .
25 This race is distinctly darker than our British bird and can be seen to good advantage on Sea-lion Island , the most southerly inhabited island in the Falklands .
26 They are as agile as goats on their spindly legs , and can be seen grazing on cliff ledges which you would swear were inaccessible to anything without wings .
27 This was used quite commonly and can be seen in many West Country churches .
28 Wood Walton 's ‘ speciality ’ , it became extinct in the nineteenth century , but was reintroduced from Holland in 1927 and can be seen on the wing in July .
29 The basic rationale for such courses derives from the discipline itself , and can be seen in its pure form in disciplines which have no obvious employment destination , such as philosophy or history .
30 As our work has sometimes been interpreted as conflicting with that of Labov , it should be noted here that the above characterization of the speech community is fundamentally of the same type as his and can be seen as derivative from his insights .
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