Example sentences of "[coord] would it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Would the expression simply be included in the list of what was talked about , or would it prompt the question ‘ Why does he say that here ? ’
2 Or would it make him even freer ?
3 Elementary education was to be provided for all children in England and Wales ; now did the village want a new church school , or would it prefer a board school , one which would be secular and undenominational ?
4 Will that come under the erm , when they inact continuous or would it continue as a non-standard survey ?
5 Would he , in fact , have turned in earlier , or would it have been another near miss or accident in the making ?
6 ‘ Ask yourselves , ’ he questioned the jury , ‘ is it possible that two exceptionally strong and stalwart officers could be put to death so easily by just one man and a mere youth , or would it have taken at least three if not four men to overcome them and cause such severe injuries ? ,
7 Or would it have been about the same ?
8 I hate to think what Major Maxim got taught in school — or would it have been the Army ? ’
9 If a dispute arose , would a court take the view that the fiduciary/agent had done all that was required by disclosure , or would it say that the general law still applied and that the fiduciary had to account as well ?
10 Or would it resist even time and the North Sea and still be standing when the final darkness fell over the planet ?
11 Or would it die and fade away ?
12 They were both quiet for a long time both thinking much the same thing : was such a pretence a way of beginning or would it destroy the might have-been ?
13 Would the bombing succeed as a deterrent , discouraging popular support for terrorism , or would it provoke a desire for revenge ?
14 Did it know her still or would it turn on her now she was an outcast ?
15 Once the demand for money and the threat were made and the pistol was produced , would that distract him or would it concentrate his mind on his assailant ? ’ said Mr Justice Leonard .
16 Nor would it appear that these awful prophecies from her Majesty 's Chief Inspector were calculated to depress the spirits of the royal household .
17 When he was consecrated , however , Cranmer made a public protestation that any oath which he took acknowledging the authority of the Pope was not intended to be binding if it were against the law of God or the King 's prerogatives , nor would it bind him to be less free in reformation of the Church .
18 Nor would it grow any lighter .
19 Merrill could n't imagine quite how this would come about ; nor would it bring Elise back , she thought sadly .
20 Nor would it do to come to too many conclusions on the evidence of yesterday 's romp in the sun on a well-grassed but hard pitch .
21 At the back of my mind was a small , warning voice , telling me it was ridiculous to go on with this , that I could n't change Nonni 's mind , nor would it alter anything if I could .
22 The Christian view of time directed to the future , as presented by St Augustine , differed from the ideas of time current in Classical antiquity in that it was neither cyclic nor would it continue indefinitely without anything essentially new occurring .
23 It would certainly not seem sensible to teach these skills in a context which did not allow children to put them to use immediately , nor would it seem sensible to teach them through sets of exercises independent of any meaningful content area .
24 Nor would it come as a total shock to discover that the world pulls out of the next slump the same way it did out of the last one , with a catastrophic world war . ’
25 Nor would it have been constitutionally possible for me to have become head of the Church of England . ’
26 Such was the distortion that the muzzle would no longer accept round shot ; nor would it have accepted canister had not Harry had the idea of tapping the canisters and using silk stockings to contain the iron balls .
27 Nor would it have been true , for I greatly feared death , suspecting myself to be damned .
28 Nor would it have been possible to ask , nor even to rely on any information which might have been forthcoming , since Amabel , who always retired to bed for the duration of her own " monthly curse " had said nothing more to the point than , " Darling , I must beg of you never to speak of this to anyone , when Gemma at the age of fourteen had first seen evidence of hers .
29 Nor would it have occurred if her aunt had not written several gloomy letters to Mother — letters that had been full of pathos and self-pity .
30 It would n't have taken as Mr has pointed out , any cognizance of the fact that there 's difference for different times of the day , nor would it have taken any account of the fact that people would perceive the travel times and travel costs in different ways .
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