Example sentences of "[coord] would make a " in BNC.

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1 Oriental Night is a rich plum-coloured alyssum with a fairly even habit and would make a good , easy-to-grow substitute for lobelias .
2 Unlike its more common relative , E. pungens ‘ Maculata ’ , whose leaves take on a slightly muddy hue as they mature , ‘ Gilt Edge ’ stays a brilliant yellow-cream , and would make a superb contrast with the bright red stems of Cornus alba ‘ Sibirica ’ .
3 He was also proud to announce that the Barnes Wallis Collection was to come to the Museum and would make a major exhibition .
4 Er , and would make a tremendous din on the Minster floor , and they would be er lovely .
5 It was beautifully done — and would make a nice present , she decided .
6 The widespread feeling that the cancellation amounted to a humiliation for Japan was underlined by reports from Russia 's ITAR-Tass news agency on Sept. 13 , which stated that Yeltsin would visit South Korea on Nov. 12-13 and would make a trip to China in mid-December .
7 He was liable to forget to buy birthday or Christmas presents ( one year when he resolved to mark Christmas properly , he bought everyone gift vouchers because he could not decide what to get ) , but would make a gift out of the blue for no other reason than that it was a nice day .
8 Solid boards would do as well but would make a much heavier bellows .
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