Example sentences of "[coord] would not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They may have decided that they might n't like the loss of privacy or would n't feel happy handling the money , ’ she says .
2 Under strain for a start because it was technically ill-equipped to avert disaster or to cope with the consequences when disaster struck ; under strain from commercial pressures which , as the inquiry puts it , ‘ compromised ’ safety ; under strain above all because the people on the spot could n't or would n't cope , were weary from gruesome working hours ( the senior signal technician who heads the list of the culpable had had only one day off in the past 13 weeks ) , lacked adequate training , or simply could n't be bothered .
3 She was baffled when she could n't give herself , or would n't give herself , a satisfactory answer .
4 He knew his mother was dying and he either could n't or would n't go to see her .
5 He not only believed that she would be a willing accessory to his two-timing Cavell , but that Cavell either would n't realise what was happening or would n't mind if she did .
6 Were there any times when you would n't work in the shop or would n't cut the meat ?
7 But he either could n't or would n't understand , and he left it at the back .
8 ‘ Everyone knew in the business at the time , ’ she continued remorselessly , ‘ but you had such a problem with your ego you could n't or would n't accept it !
9 A domestic market that becomes part of an international market is going to be subjected to the effects of changes which might otherwise have been more slow in coming — or would n't have immediately affected it .
10 I tapped on the armour-plated glass but he could n't or would n't hear me , so I pressed the button marked ‘ Reception ’ and the old buffer jumped vertically like a Harrier with wind .
11 The poll by the Vilstrup institute , published in the national daily , Politiken , showed 59 per cent intended to vote ‘ yes ’ and 27 per cent ‘ no ’ while 14 per cent were undecided or would not vote .
12 It was clear that Chancery was doing work which the Common Law Courts could not or would not do , and without which men 's rights could not be sufficiently protected .
13 Alternately , this interest might demonstrate the excitement and enjoyment gained from reading about and watching that which we ourselves could not or would not do ; a sort of substituted excitement .
14 If a biologically grounded disposition showed up simply in the form of what human beings could not or would not do , then there would be no real problem of alternative behaviours .
15 As we have seen , the trade union movement either could not or would not show the forbearance required , in the national interest , of a great and powerful institution ; nor , for that matter that sense of enlightened self-interest which would have told it that the morality of forbearance was its own best policy .
16 A representative sample of the adult British population was asked : ‘ If the company you work for had to move its premises , do you think you would or would not move with it and find a new home if it moved more than 50 miles away and gave you financial help to move ? ’
17 In many districts headmen could not or would not undertake their new duties .
18 In addition , the constant incursion and retreat of the sea creates and maintains vast zones that are neither wholly marine , nor wholly freshwater , nor wholly land-based ; intertidal zones that vary in width , between spring tides and neap , and which could not persist , or would not exist at all , were it not for the tides .
19 Treaty did not apply to the fundamental right possessed by each state under international law freely to decide to which persons or vessels it would or would not grant its nationality .
20 All his life he had sought her pardon for the failure which she either could not or would not spell out for him .
21 Return to the bad old ways , elect separately a Chamber and a Senate , then bring them together at Versailles in a National Assembly which would or would not modify the Constitution of 1875 .
22 I then learned from the media that these payments would make up for the loss of revenue caused by people who could not or would not pay the community charge …
23 The mysterious passenger had been slimmer , darker and younger , but beyond that the driver could or would not go .
24 One of the things I I I found it very difficult to start with I must admit is that to prejudge that people would or would not go in .
25 Significantly , his kindergarten would not see — or would not look .
26 Furthermore , if by the nature of the goods and/or the work , any defects therein or any failure thereof to conform as aforesaid does not or would not become apparent ( despite the carrying out of any examination and/or such tests ) until after use we may reject the same even after a reasonable period of use .
27 Why was her own heart starting to beat so hard again , frantically , as if it was trying to tell her something she could not or would not hear ?
28 But we know something else about the bishop 's motive which he could not or would not say to Ramsey .
29 She described herself as introspective , and when not totally frustrated she could analyse much of her behaviour and choose what she would or would not say .
30 And they may be torn three ways , between the practical direction they are getting in the school , the advice they are being given in college and by their teaching practice tutor , and their own developing sense of the kind of teacher they would or would not like to become .
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