Example sentences of "[coord] to have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 CHILDREN who are smacked or beaten are more likely to become troublesome adolescents or to have a criminal record before they are 20 , new research shows .
2 It 's always very helpful to have an opinion on your work , or to have a good argument every now and then !
3 Tonal series are designed to contain note-groups of a triadic nature , or to have a whole group of notes in the same key .
4 ‘ Vulnerable people should be aware that there are some laboratories and practitioners who rely on controversial and unproven procedures … which are not considered by independent observers either to be reliable or to have a scientific basis . ’
5 So the invariable requirement now is that a market member trading on the market floor or its equivalent ( eg an automated trading system ) is required by market rules either to be a clearing member or to have a clearing agreement with a clearing member .
6 Although these two types of margin are associated with distinct types of landscape , they may occur in close proximity owing to the tendency of transform faults to contain offset segments or to have a sinuous form rather than being purely straight ( Fig. 3.26 ) .
7 The ideal situation is to be able to receive a professional aromatherapy massage about once a month , or to have a willing friend with whom to exchange massage .
8 A petition can only be presented in respect of a debt if ( s 267(2) ) : ( i ) the amount of the debt or the aggregate of the debts is equal to or exceeds the bankruptcy level ( defined in 5267(4) as £750 but subject to change by the Secretary of State ) , ( ii ) the debt of each of the debts is for a liquidated sum payable either immediately or at some future time and is unsecured , ( iii ) the debtor appears unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay the debt or debts , and ( iv ) there is no outstanding application to set aside a statutory demand served under s 268 ( see section 4 ( c ) below ) .
9 I 'd also bet that none of the girls in the class is one whit more likely to become a lesbian , or to have the pure white robe of her maidenhood smirched in any way .
10 Upon receipt of such written , telefaxed or telexed claim , or its agent or representative shall have the right to test or to inspect the Licensed Software at its then location or to have the Licensed Software despatched to a point designated by or returned to carriage pre-paid .
11 Whether that mistake is to have a troubled upbringing , or to have a baby without access to childcare support , or to have an industrial accident .
12 One way of preventing siphonage is to fit a vent pipe — a separate pipe , connected after the trap , leading to the stack — or to have an anti-siphon valve connected into the wastepipe ( see drawing ) .
13 And yet the effective auditor needs to understand management and to have a close working relationship with the managers .
14 On a personal level , I have to say that I found the fellowship 's officials to be delightfully hospitable and to have a genuine love for God .
15 The OIEC was expected to be based in Budapest , and to have a small staff of around 100 .
16 The best way to treat special damages is to deal with each item of special damage in a separate paragraph and to have a final paragraph totalling them all up and giving a global figure .
17 They had come , they said , to take Klein to lunch and to have a friendly discussion about a matter in which he might have a mutual interest .
18 TNC does not seem to recognize how worthwhile changes in assessment need to be ‘ slowed ’ by teachers and to have a wider impact on curriculum and teaching methods if they are to have beneficial consequences for achievement levels ; that such reform takes time and considerable teacher commitment ; and that a heavy investment in INSET is needed .
19 Each wing was to be of two storeys and providing two wards of twelve beds each with one of the ground floor wards to be reserved for mental cases and to have a padded room .
20 I hear , I , I , I think there is a tendency with the County Council but as I discovered as Chairman of Highways that members want to take a greater interest and to have a greater say on the items on the agenda now planning is is not a controversial as , as say highway items , but nevertheless I think there will be times and there will be agendas which will require a great deal of discussion on the individual items and I 'm also a great believer bearing in mind comments if it ai n't broke , do n't bend it .
21 Moreover , although the Gothic novel was largely escapist , its plebeian characters tended to be much more conspicuous than Jane Austen 's servants , and to have a distinct character of their own .
22 The Declaration of Puntarenas contained joint commitments to ( i ) strengthen the mandate given to the Central American Security Commission in Antigua , Guatemala [ see p. 37526 ] , on arms limitation and troop numbers while recognising the " specific tasks " of armed forces in supporting the civilian authorities for the implementation of " social and environmental protection programmes " ; ( ii ) to establish a five-member committee of eminent Central American civilians appointed by " national reconciliation commissions " to verify the political commitments made as part of the Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace process [ see pp. 35440-42 ] , and to seek multilateral and bilateral support to establish an Association for Democracy and Development in Central America to promote regional peace , democracy and economic development ; ( iii ) to build on the progress made under the Economic Action Plan for Central America ( PAECA ) [ see p. 37526 ] , extended by the UN General Assembly for three more years , in order to realize a Central American common market ; ( iv ) to begin talks on a comprehensive Central American customs and tariffs policy by March 31 and to have a regional " anti-dumping code " in place by Dec. 31 , 1991 , and an effective and uniform custom and tariffs system by Dec. 31 , 1992 ; and ( v ) to persuade multilateral lending agencies to promote increased regional development and integration programmes , to write off significant portions of debt and reschedule the remainder in line with the " economic realities " of the region 's countries and to simplify mechanisms for the negotiation of and disbursement of future loans .
23 RTD , in other words , wanted radio to be less centralized and to have a real two-way contact with its audience .
24 That is what it takes to become internationally popular and to have a longlasting career .
25 This would put applicants in a very false position , perhaps drive away very talented applicants who might think that there were fewer places available for them , but also to encourage people who might in fact be struggling to go to any university in the country , it might encourage them to apply and to have a reasonable expectation of success because their sporting abilities were outstanding , they would then be disappointed because they would not be admitted and if they were admitted at that level , they would probably have a very unfortunate time at Oxford .
26 We also hope that , by the end of their course , students will be able to stand back , to see their core subject in a wider context , to have a sense of its development and how it relates to other subjects , and to have a due sense of its contribution to the world .
27 The claim was for a conciliation board , a national minimum rate of wages , a manning scale for stokehold , deck and galley , the abolition of medical examinations by a doctors privately appointed by the Shipping Federation offices , the right of seamen to a portion of their wages while in port and to have a representative present while signing on , the fixing of working hours and overtime rates and improved forecastle accommodation .
28 Never had we been so pleased to see a house and a coal fire , and to have a warm welcome !
29 Three days before the presidential elections , the military government on Dec. 11 , 1989 , granted the Central Bank full autonomy under new statutes which allowed the Finance Minister to attend meetings and to have a 15-day veto on policy .
30 Mr Ball urged the Government not to whittle away mortgage relief and to have a neutral Budget to allow a longer period of stability .
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