Example sentences of "[coord] within [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 The balance is due for payment six weeks before departure or within 7 days of the invoice date , whichever is the later .
2 Of relevance here is the rule that a ballot for the Conservative Leadership must take place if the post is vacant , or within twenty-eight days of the beginning of every session , or between three to six months after the opening of every new Parliament .
3 The Department of Employment may serve a recoupment notice on the employer within 21 days of the end of the hearing , or within nine days after the decision is sent to the parties ( 21 days if the judgment has been reserved ) .
4 MATERNAL DEATH — death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy , irrespective of the duration and the site of the pregnancy , from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management , but not from accidental or incidental causes .
5 August 25 , or within three days after that . ’
6 After such period of adjustment as the Court may have allowed , the Record is closed and within fourteen days thereafter , each party is required to provide his opponent with ‘ a list of documents which are or have been in his possession or control relating to the matters in dispute in the action ’ .
7 By the next day the yellow colour was fading and within two days it had gone .
8 Not surprisingly , the Polytechnic 's governing body reacted swiftly and within two days launched an all-out effort to persuade the government to change its mind .
9 Burnett 's favourite preparation for the treatment of uterine tumours was Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum so not having the LMI gave her the 6C potency in a 10ml dropper and within 3 days she was relieved of the discomfort on walking and standing which it seems reasonable to assume is due to the fibroid shrinking .
10 Development is very rapid and within twenty days each egg contains a tiny froglet which pierces the egg membrane with a minute spike on the tip of its snout and so emerges having dispensed with external water altogether .
11 So it was when the Germans over-ran Holland in 1940 and within three days had rounded up large numbers of Jews — the Dutch population records which included religious affiliation were put to sinister use , promptly and efficiently even without the aid of modern technology .
12 Susan was initially upset about not being allowed to have a nappy but mother 's persistence and confidence was quickly communicated to Susan and within three days she was happily using the lavatory to pass a motion .
13 The penicillin injected into Julia 's veins four times a day killed the infection inexorably , and within three days the oxygen tent had been removed and she was sitting up in bed waiting for her meals with real hunger .
14 The gods smile on those they intend to destroy , and within three days the parchment we bought up was carted down to de Macon 's cog and hoisted aboard .
15 President Bush took over from the 78-year-old Ronald Reagan at the age of 64 but within 11 days the rigours of office had taken their toll .
16 But within two days the RPR had broken the initial agreement .
17 I had to give her a little reminder now and then , to stop her attempting to fly off into the wide blue yonder , by gently pulling the leash , but within two days she was coming to me just as willingly as she had on the straight creance .
18 But within two days she was back at school and behaving as if nothing had happened . ’
19 Police initially believed the pair had died in the fire — but within three days a full-scale murder hunt was launched .
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