Example sentences of "[coord] never [verb] any " in BNC.

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1 Do n't be tempted to use wire of too high a rating for the circuit , and NEVER use any other metallic object to rewire a fuse .
2 They will solve their disputes solely by peaceful means and never use any of their weapons except for individual or collective self-defence .
3 Mr Johnson , of Coningsby Drive , Kidderminster , claimed the company had boasted of the success of using saleswomen and never had any intention of offering him a job because he was a man .
4 He had been in Britain for over twenty years and never had any problem or contact with the police except for one occasion when he was with Mum on a shopping expedition and police officers approached him and said , ‘ You fit the description of a guy that has just mugged a woman down the road . ’
5 I went there , I did the job , I left , and never had any personal dealings with those people , I thought they were horrible . ’
6 I did know I would leave Manchester — I was determined to do that and never had any doubts that I would succeed — but Barbados …
7 She had lived in the lovely old building for twenty years and never had any desire to leave it or the grounds .
8 Well it certainly is but er I 've grown potatoes myself for years and never had any trouble with them boiling into the water but this year I can not get a good potato , all of my usual favourites like Estima which I 've found is a usually good all round potato , it it 's a monkey for boiling into the water and one thing I can only assume is that the weather 's had a lot to do with it , my ground 's been waterlogged most of the season .
9 He left nothing of the kind with me and never made any reference to such a document .
10 Superintendent Huddleston assured his readers that pilgrims found this accommodation perfectly comfortable and never made any complaints .
11 Did you ever feel that it would be nice to give up struggling and close your eyes and sleep and never wake any more ?
12 One woman had her finger cut off in a slicing machine and never received any compensation .
13 So absorbed was Massalia in her effort to remain Greek — and aristocratic — that , to all appearances , she never organized any exploration of the interior of Gaul , and never transmitted any precise knowledge of Celtic institutions and customs to the other Greeks .
14 These are the people who are often quoted as enjoying good health to a ripe old age despite smoking , drinking and never taking any exercise .
15 HE HAD pointy ears and never took any shit from the fat ones in the wigs .
16 I just packed up and never thought any more about it .
17 ‘ Married ! ’ , said Mary in disgust , ‘ Two weeks ago , and never invited any of us ! ’
18 They had stopped coming to see me and never telephoned any more .
19 ‘ He chopped and changed the side at whim and never allowed any team he selected to settle down and establish a set pattern of play . ’
20 I have been careful never to preach , never to be moralistic and never to convey any message to the reader .
21 In many practical cases the program will be deterministic , in that it can not diverge and never has any choice over what to communicate or what to assign to its free variables .
22 and he 's always like bouncing all these lines out angrily and never got any expression or feeling but Oh God
23 Always shorten all branches by one third when planting and never leave any tree unpruned .
24 She had never been brought face to face with her great-uncle , and never devoted any conscious thought to him .
25 Arkells told us it sympathised with the Gammages but never had any intention of employing them .
26 And there 's only one sure way to do that : recruit and train them individually or in pairs but never let any one of them see the whole list . ’
27 ‘ Not put aside , perhaps , ’ agreed Matilda , ‘ but never given any peace while a rival cause serves the purpose of every malcontent in the realm .
28 She could see the lights of it from the upper windows but never got any nearer .
29 Hindus revere nature but never feel any need to marshal or mould it into a design of their own : a banyan tree will almost be encouraged to spread its drooping creepers into the middle of any village market , or to block any backwoods track .
30 Can and do , she thought , ever since that September of two years ago , before I was given in marriage , when Owen fired Ruthyn , and his men plundered Oswestry and Welshpool , and the king came storming through here and across the border with all his army , but never found any enemy to fight .
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