Example sentences of "[coord] would [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 It had not occurred to me that alternative arrangements could or would have been made , but , the more I thought about it , the more leaving the school seemed like the most sensible thing to do .
2 Antonia said if Mr Mellor had intended resigning over their affair ‘ he would have done so long ago — or would have been forced to do so long ago ’ .
3 It was a technological triumph and a magnificent intelligence coup , or would have been had the Russians not know about it all the time .
4 ‘ For my part I do not think that the House of Lords in that case had in mind the special position in the administration of justice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service or would have been prepared to extend the effect of the orders of a civil court in such a way as indirectly to bind them in the performance of their duties in relation to the criminal law and before the criminal courts in circumstances in which they had not sought and may not have wished for an order for discovery .
5 ‘ The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where — ( a ) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person , an institution or any other body , either jointly or alone , under the law of the state in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention ; and ( b ) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised , either jointly or alone , or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention .
6 And it was desirable , or would have been , if his style had been less intimidating , if the proposed freedom had offered a colour , light or warmth to compensate for astral and angelic voices .
7 Most of the workers concerned had or would have been deemed by the courts to have had contracts of employment .
8 As stated in the prototypical CKR , Sea Waybill Rule 4 provides that the sea waybill will be subject to the application of any international convention or national law if such a source of law is compulsorily applicable or would have been if a bill of lading ‘ or similar document of title ’ had been issued .
9 Or would have been had Gemma not insisted on remaining in the very centre of so much decay and corruption and " horridness ' , in Frizingley .
10 The first person must have been guilty of conduct which either was an offence under the Act or would have been but for a defence in sections 24 or 25 , Coupe v. Guyett ( 1973 D.C. ) .
11 Section 40 , like section 23 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 ( paragraph 16–26 above ) , deals with the situation where A commits an offence because of the fault of B. It enables B to be convicted where A has been guilty of conduct which either was an offence under the Consumer Protection Act or would have been one but for one of the statutory defences .
12 None of her college friends knew where she was staying , or would have been the slightest bit likely to make such a gesture , even if they had .
13 In order to give effect to the original intention of the Directive , the House of Lords held that the Regulations should be construed purposively and read as if after the words " immediately before the transfer " the following words were added " or would have been so employed at the time of the transfer if he had not been unfairly dismissed in the circumstances described in reg 8(1) " , ( ie for a reason in connection with the transfer ) .
14 The that condition should or would have been drawn to his attention , that is the major factor in this dispute which goes .
15 I have seen before and after your boasted strokes of policy ; and you were the same man , and would have been the same man to me and to yourself if you had never done them .
16 It was June the fifteenth , and would have been Evan Roberts ' 85th birthday , but he died a month before .
17 Sir Adrian found this work fascinating and would have been perfectly happy at the time to have made it his long-standing job .
18 Mandle 's calculation of an average benefit of £816 in the 1890s indicates a threefold increase since the 1860s , and would have been enough perhaps to start a man off in a small business .
19 His greeting was always the same ( and would have been , Jane was sure , in the middle of an earthquake ) : ‘ YOU AU ROIGHT ? ’
20 Local opinion was outraged ; Price was brought to trial and would have been convicted by the jury if the judge had not insisted that his offence had been against morals and not against the law .
21 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
22 Apart from his Midlands Grand National triumph in 1990 he also gained a verdict over Norton 's Coin at Cheltenham — two months before that horse 's Gold Cup success — and would have been an easy winner of the Greenall Whitley Chase but for falling when clear at the last fence .
23 Labour would have backed his ambitious scheme to step up funding for European industry and would have been less rigid in opposing transfers of cash to the poorer regions .
24 Mr Major 's sackings had been widely discounted in advance , and would have been more extensive but for Mr Chris Patten and Mr Francis Maude losing their parliamentary seats .
25 Though Lancashire are far below full strength , Grayson has earned his place on merit having captained the powerful North Under-21s to the ADT divisional age-group title and would have been in the side even had the Orrell contingent been available , Martin Strett being ineligible having represented the Northern Division in October .
26 But we were surprised that not once during our visit were the words ‘ land reform ’ so much as mentioned , although what has happened there most certainly counts as this , and would have been of interest to the World Conference on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development held by FAO in 1979 .
27 If a Pamplona Institute on CALL only attracted Navarrans then we would have failed and would have been better off doing something specifically for Catalonia or Madrid .
28 Wordsworth probably never knew how his walks with Dorothy and Coleridge had been misrepresented by the garrulous old man , and would have been sorry to discover the truth .
29 To have devised the material ‘ in house ’ using DES and HMI would have been and would have been seen to be unhealthily parochial ; to have used the National Curriculum Council would have involved too great a delay .
30 Heavy beams were lifted into place using a wooden hoist , but a lot of the work was done by sheer muscle power and would have been carried out by slaves .
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