Example sentences of "[coord] there be her " in BNC.

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1 And there 's her profile , so heart-rendingly unaware …
2 And there were her looks .
3 And there were her looks , nobody could forget them , nobody except herself ; she never did a thing about them , as women do these days , she never gave a damn : as my father used to say , she wears her beauty lightly .
4 It would have been too chancy and too tiring a journey for her to have taken by the complicated network of bus connections , with its many waits , and there was her luggage .
5 And there was her key , its gun-metal grey shaft rusted brown but the handle still gleaming .
6 She turned now as she heard footsteps coming through the store-room , and there was her father standing by her side .
7 There was Charles , talking to the new proprietor of the Informer ( plotting no doubt ) and there was her daughter Sally arm in arm with Nat Higsby from the Tavistock : they seemed to be singing a duet .
8 And there was her attitude towards the baby .
9 And there was her speech to write .
10 Harvey was the better catch , and there was her speech to worry about .
11 She wished more than anything that she could say yes , or at least explain that if it had been left to her she would have come with all the will in the world , but there was her mother .
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